Season 2 Requests! What Do YOU Want to See Get Smashed?
Released on 12/19/2014
(upbeat digital music)
Hey everyone, Erik and Justin here
from Battle Damage.
We've been blown away by your support
of our first 12 episodes.
The comments, the views, the shares.
You guys have been simply awesome.
And thanks to all your support,
we are coming back for a second season.
It's gonna be bigger, better, and more destructive.
Season Two is gonna include a lot more
head-to-head battles.
Just like our Xbox One versus PS4 episode.
We're talking Super Nintendo versus Genesis.
iphoness 6 Plus versus Samsung Galaxy Note 4,
or even two totally different things
you just want to see compete.
Let us know down in the comments
what two tech products you want to see
go head-to-head in the Battle Damage ring.
We start shooting in just a few short weeks,
and we can't wait to bring your ideas to life.
Thanks and we'll see you soon.
(upbeat rock band music)
Battle Damage Season Two.
I don't want to talk like this.
'Cause how he drank helium.
Drink it, liquid helium, okay let's go again.
Starring: Justin Johnson , Erik Beck
Apple ipads vs. Cinder Block
Extreme Tech Tests with The Indie Machines
We Dropped a 55-lb Anvil On An HP Printer So You Don't Have To
Nintendo Game Boy vs. Sledgehammer
Want an iphoness 6? Smash Your iphoness 5s with a Safe
Microsoft Zune Torture Test
MacBook Air vs. Karate Kick of Death
The Indestructible Nokia phones vs Liquid Nitrogen
Can a GoPro Survive a Golf Club?
40" LED T.V. vs. Potato Gun
Roomba vs. Battle Axe
Is Killing a BIG JAMBOX Impossible?
Xbox One vs. PS4 Durability Test: Loser Gets the Chainsaw
Season 2 Requests! What Do YOU Want to See Get Smashed?
Battle Damage F*** Ups!
Valentine's Day Destroyed at 1000 Frames Per Second
Craziest Battle Damage Moments from Season 1