Every Starfighter From Star Wars: Squadrons Explained
Released on 12/30/2020
One of the cool things about the game
is that we were trying to capture the feel of the films.
So what we've tried to do is build our maps
and our battle structures so that they are generally
plane aligned like the film,
but at the same time it's space.
So you can do whatever you want.
So like as a Bomber, it is perfectly valid to fly
upside down beneath the star destroyer
and be launching your bombs
upward into the base of the ship.
It lets you kind of have your cake and eat it too
in terms of feeling like Star Wars
but giving you a lot of control.
Hi, this is Ian Frazier
creative director on Star Wars: Squadrons.
Hi I'm Shadi Malik
lead UI artist on Star Wars: Squadrons.
And this is every star fighter in Star Wars: Squadrons
[gentle upbeat music]
Fundamentally Star Wars: Squadrons
is a game about being a pilot
a combat pilot in the Star Wars universe.
So you're gonna get into iconic ships
like the X-wing and the TIE fighter last round
in 5v5 Space Battles, both in single player.
We've got a story set after Return of the Jedi
and a multiplayer
where we have two different competitive modes.
So today we're gonna look
at all 10 playable ships in Star Wars: Squadrons.
We're going to have an in-depth look
at their design, gameplay and how we stay true to the films.
[Ian] The Fighter class is the multirole class
within Star Wars: Squadrons.
So these are the ships that are good at everything
but they're not great at any one thing.
If you wanna be flexible, able to switch back and forth
between offense and defense, fighters are where it's at.
[Shadi] The cool thing with TIE fighter is,
is one of the ships where we have a lot
of references from the films.
For any of the eight ships,
we would always start by the movies.
That's like the Holy Grail.
We would supplement that by looking at schematics, drawings
and various manuals that we had.
Grabbing all of that,
we would do first concept art in 2D.
So this is really just like in photoshop,
grabbing different parts,
moving them around, rescaling them.
Addressing all our gameplay needs
but making sure that we stayed true to Star Wars aesthetic
and the vehicle specific character.
So for the TIE fighter, it's a ship that actually
does have already a nice big central screen.
And we just had to kind of manipulate a few elements
that were already existing in the cockpit to go
and create the extra gameplay elements we needed.
We tried to act like we were incumbent
like we were sign our fleet systems.
Like we were the fictional companies
within the Star Wars universe that builds these ships.
We're looking at it partially as game developers
but partially also
from a purely fictional lens and going well
we had to really build one of these ships for real
what would you do?
Running this mixture between the films
and trying to capture the prop
but then knowing that the prop is a prop and then looking
at what it would take to really fly one of these things.
And then finally knowing that only it's a game.
So there's constraints around that as well.
We tried to take all those things together
to end up with the result that you see today.
The biggest challenge with getting the TIE fighter to
to play the way that we wanted,
was simply that the design of it is actually built
around this sort of porthole window, right?
You have this front facing window
that everything's focused around and we need to make sure
the player has enough vision, frankly.
So there was a lot of playing
with the distance where that window is,
where the control column is,
where your seat is so that both in 2D
and of course in VR that the amount
of visibility you have there is this kind of maximized
or we keep the iconic look.
Fun fact as we were working on it,
we ran into a problem.
The TIE fighter interior
where the struts are in the window,
don't match the exterior.
There was actually a production error in the New Hope.
So the inside of the TIE doesn't match up with the outside.
The angle of the struts is different.
We had to decide which which
of these is going to be correct.
Of course, being a pilot game focused within the cockpit.
We chose the cockpit view.
We needed for gameplay to have additional screens.
So we have a central console,
but we've got a lot of gameplay components.
We didn't want it to be 2D UI overlay.
We want players to have that pilot fantasy of really
using the instruments that are in the ship.
We had to add screens.
We were looking at reference that was outside the period.
And if you look at the first order TIEs
they have these arms inside
with like these triangular screens.
The discussion we had from there was like,
well you know, this is not the right time period,
it's not the right model.
We don't wanna to go there,
but could we maybe imagine
that there is a prototype of it that's already around
in our timeline?
That's one of the nice things
with our time period is we're right after indoor.
So both sides are kind of reappraising what
they're doing a little bit.
And we see some interesting technology evolve
that makes sense fictionally.
With the TIE specifically,
you'll notice that in the prologue,
which is set around the same time period as the first film
you don't have any missiles.
You don't have any countermeasures.
You have the basic lasers engines TIE fighter
but then when we jump forward
to the post end or period where most of the game is set,
now that the tightened squadron,
the Imperial group that you're with,
they start experimenting with these ships
and trying things that are a little bit more out there.
So you're gonna get some non-stock options
for weapons and components and stuff.
Once you get into that later time period.
The X-wing and the TIE fighter needed to be quite different.
This is the game that we've tried
to balance the balance in an a symmetric way
'cause each faction fictionally
kind of has its own strengths and weaknesses.
And we wanted to lean into those in actual gameplay.
The nice thing the X-wing has is it's got all three systems.
It's got its engines, it's got its lasers
and it's got shields.
But you can shift those double front
or behind you something you know
we've heard in the films.
But then the TIE fighters canonically
don't have shields at all.
So we said, Okay, what do we do to make that fair
to get to kind of balance these two ships out
but have similar roles, but are on opposite factions
and when we keep more or less lined up?
If you fly the two in our game
the X-wing feels a bit heavier.
It's got a bit more substance to it.
The TIE fighter has a zippier turns.
It's just a faster ship in a more easily maneuverable ship.
And so that helps kind of counterbalance the shields in
and of itself.
But the ability to control the shields to put them to front
or back is giving another edge to the X-wing.
So how do we counter that?
What we do is we use the same buttons that we would use
for shield control and next wing on a TIE fighter.
And some of the other ties,
we use that for emergency power conversion,
which is the ability to pull all the juice
out of your engines
and dump them into your lasers
or vice versa on the fly.
So you can quickly get out of trouble
or quickly juice up your weapons
for a massive attack in a hurry
in a way that the rebel ships can't.
Some of the things we had to do for the X-wing were
changing the viewport,
kind of slimming down the struts a bit.
It's a bunch of invisible changes
that make it feel like the movie.
I had to take the existing dashboard
and you know, its angular shape and how high it is.
That's iconic.
So we obviously had to have that we penned and scaled
and kind of moved around to create additional room.
So we'd be able to fit all the gameplay components.
For each of these changes,
basically there's slide in the deck
showing the original,
showing the intended change
and justifying why
but any changes we were doing,
you know using the materials
that were already in the cockpit you know,
paint or icons or buttons that came from elsewhere
and just making sure everything was really
authentic to that cannon ship.
We were treating them like real things, right?
So both from the fictional standpoint,
but also as prompts for the films.
We would ask, Okay, it's 1977
your ILM you're building a prop.
You don't have a flat LCD screen and those don't exist yet.
You're gonna notice that the lights
for your laser charge are actual LEDs,
old style like a little bowl
with a plastic coating over it,
that's coloring the light.
It's one of those things that makes the game
I think feel more real
because the teams tried to approach it as if it is real.
If we were making just any ship
just for the game,
you know, from a player experience standpoint
you're gonna put the UI element
exactly where you need it,
the size you need it.
In this case, the fantasy
is being a pilot in the Star Wars universe.
So it doesn't make sense to do that.
You'd be sacrificing the whole fantasy that, you know
we're trying to offer players
because you're just trying to be as efficient as possible.
Even once we had the UI there
with the right color scheme and everything looking great
in the retro, it still wasn't enough.
We wanted players to feel like they were really there.
So working with shader artists, we went and did materials.
We went to the point of being able
to emulate the screen resolution for each display,
having refresh rates
and keeping the frame rate down
to give that retro choppiness
you know like to the animation.
So how do we create the sense that these ships are real?
The first thing we did was the flight model
for the X-wing and TIE fighter.
And everything's really been built upon that foundation.
And what we tried to do with them
is look at everything we see in the films
that even some of the animated series and so on,
to look at what are the boundaries,
what are these ships capable of?
What are they not capable of?
For instance, there's no vertical thrusters on X-wing,
they don't go straight up and down.
It's not a thing that X means to do.
So we did not want that as part
of our flight model 'cause it doesn't fit the fiction.
At the same time we wanted
to create the idea of kind of World War 2
combat piloting is our foundation as it was for Lucasfilm.
And then from there go, how do we up that a notch?
How do we take things like power management
and eventually boosts and the drift maneuver to take it
and really take advantage of the fact that you're
in space and we can do some cool over the top stuff.
We ended up building an entirely new entity
to handle how our ships work within the frostbite engine
because we knew we were trying to do something
that had never been done before in our engine
quite like what we're doing.
We base it a lot off of the older games
like original X-wing and TIE fighter,
use that as a starting point in terms of the kind
of banking maneuvers we wanted to have
in terms of how we wanted them to handle turns.
And so on, we did that as a foundation early on
and then we started layering it things
in like power management
and eventually drip maneuver.
In legends, there was this idea in Star Wars
of the etheric rudder.
This idea that there was some kind of medium in space
that you actually kind of piloted through
which was sort of the fictional reasoning
behind ships handling or like aircraft
less like spacecraft.
Now, honestly, I don't even know
if that's canon anymore or not.
In terms of our, our thinking
of around how we make the ships move.
It helps as a visual representation
of how ships would move through medium.
[Shadi] These are the ships that are meant to go
after other starfighters.
So they're the most agile and fast
and they really pack a punch.
They're also the most fragile.
So you have to watch out
they're not meant to go after capital ships.
When going about designing the TIE interceptor,
the idea was that the TIE fighter,
the interceptor and the Bomber,
they're a part of the same line.
And when you're flying Imperial,
there's a certain standard
and there is efficiency in the design,
but we did still want each ship
to have its own unique character.
The way we did that for the interceptor,
it's a ship that's made to hunt
but it's also more fragile.
So it's a little details.
Like if you look at the viewport,
the spokes and then the rim around,
they're thinner, more refined,
giving it a more precise look,
but also a bit more fragile.
And the other big thing that we were able to
use were those screens that we were adding
on the side that we spoke about earlier.
So each of the tree ships got accustomed shape.
The one for the interceptor
are these kinda aggressive triangles that kind of cement
its look as, you know, a hunter.
So one of the most fun parts
of working in the cockpits for squadrons was figuring
out how you actually fly a TIE fighter.
And this is true for the Fighter, the Interceptor
and the Bomber is that if you look at the films
we see very little of the actual interior
of those ships and how physically you control it.
Now, an X-wing, it's a joystick
but with the TIE we see that there's a yoke
but it's not really clear how that works.
And so we've ended up with this design
around the pushing and pulling what it does when you twist
like what's a pitch, what's a yore.
How do you roll one of these ships
and make sure that what we do,
doesn't contradict what we see in the films
but is internally consistent
and make sense from a player standpoint.
So if you're playing the game
especially if you're in VR and you look down at
what your pilot's hands are doing,
it always makes sense.
So when we built the TIEs,
part of figuring out how they would control was sort
of the physicality of it.
So we actually built simple wooden armatures
that were the controls
like kind of imagine the yoke of the TIE fighter.
So that then when we did motion capture performance capture
of our actors for cinematics,
they were sitting inside these simple, you know,
wooden cockpits and then we'd work on the motions.
We're having a lot of fun with it.
So one of the things that makes the TIEs still
very distinctive from the new republic ships
and the TIE interceptor
is probably the best example of this,
is actually the sound design.
So those core mechanics of, you know
throttling your engine and that sweet spot
in the middle of the throttle where you turn better,
those are the same between the factions.
But the way we treat
that from an audio standpoint is quite different.
You know, if you're in a rebel ship,
if you listen to it there's rattles and clanks and clunks
and there's this distinct feeling that there's
duct tape somewhere behind you holding that ship together.
Whereas the TIEs it's clean, it's pristine, precise
especially with the interceptor,
you're gonna notice higher pitch.
You're going to notice more kind of clean hums
very little noise in the mix.
The whole idea is that these things
are engineered to perfection.
And that's your experience and kind of, you know,
the Imperial cleanliness and design there.
The A-wing is one of my favorite ships in all of Star Wars.
So we had a lot of fun developing it.
It has that very aerodynamic shape.
This thing is just, you know,
kind of a wedge flying through space.
And yeah, I know there's no air in space,
but there's always that sensation
that this thing is incredibly fast
at the same time, it's pretty small.
And you have that, that field that, you know
one straight blaster bolts going to make your day real bad.
And we wanted to capture that
in all of the tuning and design around the A-wing.
You'll look at the rebel ships
and you'll notice that they use different fonts.
So we have all these fonts that are from the end
of the universe that you've seen on screen in the movies.
We've used them in different combinations
to help the character
of each ship kind of feel a bit different.
It takes, you know, a team,
you know of experts to bring the ships
to the players like this.
One of the things that's fun in the game
is we've been really careful with our collision.
The actual collision, geometry around all this sort
of stuff you could smash into in the game.
And as a result, if you're in an A-wing
you can pretty easily fly into say the trench
on the side of a star destroyer.
Flying to that area that's super tight
but that's a place where you can legitimately get in there
potentially lose a pursuer
as they might be a bit bigger and smash off the side.
We wanted to lean into that idea of being super fast,
super agile, but small.
And you hit like a truck.
So you're gonna have
this crazy experience of being very cautious
as everything around you can cause your death pretty easily
but being able to get in and out and do these awesome
hidden fade attacks and just make you feel like an ace.
The cockpit is pretty cramped as well.
In VR, we had to make a few modifications
and there's like this metal rim, right?
That like runs kind of across like the glass
and where it was positioned in the cannon ship.
It would be in the way of some
of the instruments that the player needs to use.
So we had to move it and thin it
and kind of play with that a bit
while still giving you the impression
that it's the same position, the same look,
even being able to let you personalize it,
like hanging flair
but not like intrude upon the gameplay elements.
Well, if this is a real ship that existed
and you got a fuzzy walk that you wanted to put in.
In the real world, somebody would sell an attachment
to actually put those things up.
And so that's what we did built.
[Shadi] If you look down and it's just
like that classic world war two cockpit stuff
that you'd expect to see,
it's just a great look.
It's the only ship that has a radial speed gauge
with an arrow that actually moves up and down.
And it just gives it that feeling of speed
like almost like a muscle car, you know?
So yeah, I really enjoyed working on the A-wing.
The Bombers are defined by being a bit slower,
a bit heavier, a bit tankier,
built to drop that massive ordinance
that's gona take out big capital ships.
Things like star destroyers and MC75's.
So they might need a little support getting there,
but once they get there,
they can do an obscene amount of damage.
[Shadi] For the Bomber we wanted obviously
to make it look different than the Interceptor and Fighter
'cause it has a very different role
and the exterior is also very different.
So we needed to bring that insight as well for the player.
Our job was made easier because the Bomber is a bigger ship.
So especially when you're looking around the interior
you'll see there's actually room where people can sit
behind you and all that's designed.
It looks very different than the interior
from the other two ships.
Even if you look to the side,
you will see that there's a door and there's the ordinance.
You know, you got all the bombs
on the other side and the compartment.
So it makes it already feel quite different just from that.
You can actually go against the capital ships with it,
you can make serious damage.
It needed to feel tankier,
kind of the reverse approach
that we had for the interceptor.
For the Bomber, we went and made the frames of the viewport
thicker, more armored, kind of like you could ram something
and really take a lot of punishment.
Once again, those secondary screens that we introduced
we gave it a different shape
for the Bomber or something bulkier
to just kind of confirmed its role on the team.
Well, the ships that have the off center cockpit
like the Bomber, the TIE Reaper were quite challenging
because as a player,
you don't wanna feel like all your control
is offset by you know, a meter or two
from where the ship's actually located.
It becomes incredibly hard to tell,
like can I get through that hole?
I don't know!
Where is the hole relative to me?
So what we ended up doing is we have the
the pilot seat is technically off center
but the pivot point for the ship has been moved relative
to the broader shape of the ship.
Effectively, you're driving it from the center of the ship
even though your seat is a little offset.
What we do to make the ships feel weighty is largely playing
with the tuning of their engines.
So how fast they accelerate,
how fast they decelerate
and how much momentum they preserve
when you go into a different maneuver,
if you're in a Bomber and you start to turn the degree to
which you have forward momentum there helps sell that sense
that it's actually kind of a heavy ship.
Obviously the top end speed relative
to other ships also helps that sense of weight.
And there's a lot of kind of tricks
of presentation that help it doesn't make a bit
of difference to the way the ship handles,
but in your mind that that sensation,
that it's a kind of beefier ship
helps make it feel slower, feel weightier.
Similarly with the sound design,
when we're using a lot of lower pitches
that helps kind of correlate your mind
with the slower beefier, stronger ship
than the more like high-pitched tightly tuned Interceptor.
So the Y-wing has been a really interesting challenge
for us because we're trying to capture the feel of the ship.
And it's got a lot of similarities
with the X-wing in terms of its structure and cockpit
and you still want it to feel distinctive.
The cockpit team's done a great job
of looking at the instrumentation
looking at the shape language that you see
within that dashboard and the films
and then trying to make use of that as well as possible
whether it's the kind of like tube
that works its way over the instruments
or the actual shapes you see of the instruments there.
We tried to make use of those and really lean into them.
So it feels right for a while way.
And at the same time, kind of that heavy structure you have
around you are kind of left and right behind you.
You have a lot less of a window
to your astromech than you would inside an X-wing.
What's really interesting with the Y-Wng is it's one
of the oldest ships that the rebels have.
You can definitely see it in the design.
So it was quite a challenge for us to design something
that would keep its unique character but make it playable
because the ship is devoid of screens for starters,
like the only one that you see
in the movies is the targeting computer that comes
in from the side.
But besides that it doesn't actually have any displays.
It's kind of like hearkens back
to the syfy ships that had basically blinking lights
these huge computers, right?
With like lovers and blinking lights.
You look at the Y-wing of the cabin for a pilot.
It's been a versatile style ship
over different time periods.
And we've even seen it have two people in there.
Having the pilot and having like a rear gunner.
So it's a very long cabin.
And the pilot is kinda sitting
with like his legs out a bit more compared
to some of the other ships.
We had to play, you know
with like the dimensions and do a bunch
of tricks to make it feel like the shots
especially the ones you see in episode 4
but like make it playable.
So one of the things we did was bring in displays
that we designed for the X-wing
and layered them with some of the iconic things that were
in the Y-wing, like the cube,
and then that comb with a glass lens
that we use for the ship status indicator.
Even on the screens, I paid close attention
to the patterns that you have on those side panels.
So the painting patterns and those big grip
glass lights that kind of stroke.
We took those patterns and we made vector versions of them.
And we use them as backing
for the information under this place.
It was quite a challenge to be able to try
and keep that look, but introduce screens without, you know
kind of disfiguring the Y-wing.
The Y-wing for the longest time has been our example
of how you make two very different bills using components.
By default, they're built to be Bombers.
They're built to be really good
at taking down into the capital ships
not as good at dog fighting.
Depending on the components, you can slant them very heavily
toward taking out capital shifts
and just accept that you're gonna be awful
in a dog fight and need the support of your friends.
Or you can slant some more the other way
and be more of a heavy assault craft
where you're never gonna be as zippy as an A-wing
and you know, it's going to be trouble
with people, get on your tail.
But if they're dumb enough to come at you from the front
you can really end their day in a hurry.
What makes a ship part of the support class
is that you'll be piloting it to help your friends
and hinder your enemies.
So you're gonna have a bunch of tricks up your sleeve
that kind of gives you the edge and slow down your enemies
TIE Reaper and the U-wing,
both of our support ships actually come
from the film Rogue One.
And we were really excited to bring them to life in the game
because they haven't had as much exposure yet.
The Reaper in particular, just, you gotta love that design.
It's so cool.
I think it's probably my favorite ship on the Imperial side.
Originally, we looked at support and we said,
Okay we want kind of the entry-level class,
the class that's going to be the easiest to use,
that can be helpful for your team,
but isn't as effective at killing.
Did not work for a couple of reasons.
First is that the X-wing
of the TIE fighter are what everybody knows.
So no matter what we do
those are gonna be the ships that anybody new
or more casual is going to gravitate toward.
The other thing is we found
that in a dogfighter simply, you know, hunting down enemies
and shooting them is the most basic thing you can do.
That is the most successful
and fundamental part of gameplay.
We ended up pivoting our, our mindset
for support ships to be less the entry-level ship
and actually the other way around.
They're more of a high-level ship that takes a bit
more skill to use effectively, but they're the specialists.
You can use a TIE Reaper to sort of batten
down the hatches around your area
to put up turrets, drop mines, to defend the zone.
You can do it to make your entire team invisible
to enemy radar, to ionize enemy shields
and bring them down to, you know, focus fire.
They're very versatile in terms
of what they can do with the widest array
of different components that can be equipped.
We were bringing a ship to the screen,
especially it's the cockpit that no one had seen yet.
So the outside has been seen, but like,
if this was gonna be new to our players.
There were some models that existed
because the ship was designed
for use for Jedi Fallen Order
Our biggest consideration was visibility from the ship.
We kind of cut the dashboard down and made it shorter.
So the pilot could sit closer to the front windows.
They still look like what you expect
when you're seeing it from the outside.
But once again, you know, truly like little tricks,
we make it more accessible for players.
[Ian] Working on the U-wing has been interesting
because as you may know,
it's a two-seater craft.
And so trying to balance your perspective
in a way that feels right
that feels like you're in the,
left-hand seat across the front there.
But also pilots in a way you expect.
Whats it's not difficult to fly
through a hole in a structure
because actually my center point is over there
has been really challenging trying
to make sure that our physics lines
up with kind of what your brain expects as a pilot
especially in VR versus the actual center point of the ship.
The other big challenge is, as you may know
is that the U-wing has S-foils, its wings unfold.
So, when a U-wing is jumping into hyperspace,
you've got the wings locked and it's in its iconic U shape.
But once you're ready for combat,
they fold back into more of a frankly, a Y-shape
but don't tell the Y-wings for combat.
And that means that their breadth is quite a bit bigger.
So if you're flying through say the interior
of a space station, you've got to be a lot more aware
of your surroundings and not your wing
that you might need to in something like A-wing.
With both the U-wing and the Reaper
they have places in them to have
whether it's a copilot or passengers in the back.
And if you look inside them in the game
you do see those seats
but we don't actually have them filled now partially
that's because our game is set in space.
You're not landing on planets
would have anywhere to drop them off.
Not a lot of reason for them to be there fictionally
but also because from a performance standpoint
the way the game runs,
we're trying to make sure we're giving you the things
that matter the most and giving all the attention there.
So the ships and lasers and explosions that are
in front of you, if we have a high fidelity character
two feet away from you,
everything out the window is gonna have to look worse
in order to make performance space
for that character right next to you.
Working on the U-wing was easier for two reasons.
One, because it's one of the later ships
I tackled in production.
So we were already getting really used
to finding creative solutions than a challenge we'd faced
on the other ships.
Also as luck would have it,
just the design for that big central screen.
And it has all that, you know, the mess of wires
and connectors, and it has a secondary monitor on a swivel.
I was able to just take that monitor, move it elsewhere
where it fit with the order that we have for components
because every ship is different
but gameplay wise, you know, he want people to
to know that the radar is going to be over on the left.
The speed's going to be on the left
'cause it fits with the controller, that kind of stuff.
So that led us easily move it around
without having to modify it as much.
So what we did for the U-wing is more rescale
and move around existing elements.
And we were able to quickly find a home
for most of our gameplay components.
I think for the most part
I only had to modify the top part of the central console.
So it would be able to display our load out.
And we use something that is existing, that you saw
this kind of glass part with red lights in the movie
it was close enough to our laser bar.
So it was a really a good fit.
So we've added these two new ships,
the TIE Defender and the B-wing.
Designed the game around the eight core playable ships.
But fortunately, thanks to all the support of our players,
we're able to add these entirely
new ships that fill new niches within the gameplay
and within their gonna add a lot to the game.
Even though the ships are a part of existing classes
they play very differently.
They're quite unique
and they get their own unique components as well.
A big part of the design of squadrons
is about team composition and the whether
you kind of lag your team and the way that you
support each other, like, okay, you know,
I'm going to need some people
that are handling just enemy ships and I need some people
that are focusing on the objectives and so on.
If we added a whole new class
like we call them the heavier something
that compositional picture got a bit more complicated.
So instead we went, how do we fit these
into the existing kind of walls that we have
but offset enough in that kind
of spectrum of design that they all feel unique.
We don't want the TIE Defender to feel like a
it's a TIE fighter with a different cockpit.
You want it to feel distinctive
but we still wanna understand the role that,
okay this is a flexible ship
that can be used both offensively
and defensively in the way that a TIE fighter would.
I'm a big fan of it from the TIE fighter days
like the PC game TIE fighter.
We were so excited to see that come back into Canon
and went okay, well, we've got to let people fly this thing.
The reason we put it in that kinda fighter class
is that it is meant to be flux.
Something that can help offensively, defensively
where it's a bit different than say the TIE fighter
or TIE interceptor is it's really good within a given area.
It's not as good at getting
from point to point.
Heavily leans on boosts and drift
for all your maneuvre ability.
So you can really hold a spot,
but if you need kind of superiority
over the large space to hold the front
you don't want to rely just some defenders should mix that
up with the different teams composition.
The TIE Defender being part of the same you know line
as the TIE fighter, Bomber or Interceptor
obviously it has to have
a lot of things in common with them.
That's kind of the point of that series
for the pilots to just hop in you know, your home.
All the ships in the series
the main difference was the viewports
and also the secondary monitors that we have on both sides
of that central column,
that standard and all of them.
So the TIE Defender still has that console
in the middle and it has its own set of handles on the side.
One big thing with a TIE Defender is it has shields.
So it means it has more power management going on.
It also has more information that you need
to be able to consult as a player,
as we're flying that ship
we had fun playing with different shapes and patterns
and we found one that both felt robust enough
to kind of feel like this is a ship
that can take punishment,
but also still felt aggressive a bit closer
to the TIE interceptor than the Bomber I'd say.
We wanted it to look like the empire
spent more money on the ship.
There's a little bit more technology going on
a little bit more stuff built in
compared to the other three quartet fighters.
The ship status indicator.
If you look at the other three basic TIEs
besides the Reaper,
what we're showing you is the silhouette
of the ship seen from the front
because the defender has shields.
We want it to show you a top-down view.
So it would be clear right off the back of your looking
at your front and rear shields.
I love it's silhouette.
So aggressive with all those,
those spikes when you see it from the top,
but it's also a very challenging shape
to work with for the UI to try and,
you know, like surrounded
with the shields and fit that nicely within the screen.
So I spent, you know
quite a bit of time doing different iterations
and patterns and, and line art to that would
that would really go well
with the silhouette and still stay clear for the player.
In rebels, the TIE Defender is just straight up better
than the other TIEs in the context
of a competitive game that doesn't work ready.
It's like, all right, well
you've got five ships take that one's totally superior.
So what we've done more wise is
that after [indistinct] initiative, you know,
spoilers the things go sideways on the fall
that Defender initiatives put out a service
but the plans are still around.
So in our time period
when the empire is not doing so well,
the plans still exist
but they don't have the resources they once did.
So you're getting kind of a second generation more suited
for mass production version.
The whole game was designed to make you feel
like an ace pilot, but the Defender is a whole other level.
Now the elite within the ace pilot group
when I really master that ship,
which is a great feeling.
The cool thing about the B-wing is it's the last ship
from the Return of the Jedi era that we wanted to bring
to the light that we never got a chance to do
with the core game.
So the B-wing is really cool
because it's got this unique gyroscopic cockpit.
You can actually keep your cockpit stable
but control the entire rest
of the ship around with the cockpit.
Now, partially, this is just cool, just for fun
but also you can be using this tactically.
So it's something that improves your missile evasion.
It's something you can use to aim your bombs.
So you can have your ship like aiming upward,
fly under a ship and shoot your bomb straight up
for example.
And beyond that it actually is increasing
the rest of your ammo.
So if you take that component
the one that lets you control your gyroscopic cockpit
it's doubling whatever your other odds of the readout.
So we were wondering,
maybe we would only allow you to have it vertically
or horizontal.
And it would just kinda ease
by itself in between those motions.
Once you triggered it
or we could allow total control, I'm pretty, pretty stoked
that we were actually able to allow you granular controls.
You can actually place it at any angle that you want.
As you're piloting.
We decided to go kind of old school with a dial that looks
like some something you'd have on an old fighter plane.
And you actually have a needle that's
like a B-wing silhouette shape.
And you see it rotate around the dial.
So you get like this precise feedback
You got a bubble cockpit.
So if you're doing free look
or especially if you're in VR
you can be just looking at the window as that
as that big wing is moving along.
You'll see it like, you know,
block out the light, like across your dashboard.
You Feel the rumble of using your controller.
You've got that kind
of a shuttering metal scraping sound.
As the entire ship moves around you
you can be firing your lasers,
[indistinct] Canon or whatever,
while you're rotating the wing.
And so you see the lasers kind of spiraling
around your cockpit as that's rotating
and you're still firing.
The ship is ungainly.
You go flying into a tight tunnel,
like in our new map foster Haven,
you've got to really be paying attention
to where are the constraints of that ship are.
You just smack into a wall.
And so having that level of situational awareness
having the new instrumentation that lets you actually
control and be aware of where the rest of your ship is
is a whole new kind of experience with the B-wing.
That's really unlike anything else in the game.
The references we had were mainly
the ships that were built
for the original trilogy.
So you've never seen them into movie like the inside
but they were built like as part of that,
that ship they were using photos outside shots
as they were flying through space.
And then there was references
from the rebels show for the prototype of the B-wing
From a fictional standpoint
the blade wing was the prototype.
So what we're trying to capture is more
of the standard B-wing that comes along a bit later.
And also because there's just something cool
about feeling like when you saw Return of the Jedi
that cockpit was actually there
in that B-wing you just couldn't quite see it
because of the camera work.
And we're finally getting to sort of reveal that
to the world, you know
very much in first person for the first time
The B-wing being one
of the later ships to be introduced,
it's little subtle things that it will set it apart
making the screens a bit higher resolution
and playing, you know, with the type
of CRT or LCD monitors you're seeing in some of the panels
the B-wing has a mix of like small CRT's
for like it's radar and then the ship status indicator.
But then it does have a nice big LCD display
for the combat screen,
closer to what you'd see on the U-wing.
So the B-wing in lore is a Bomber.
You know, it's a Bomber/Assault craft,
but being a great Bomber is a big part of its identity.
So we wanted to keep that concept
but it's also such a unique shift.
You know, it's something that a lot
of people love our fans of wanting to play.
We've got a lot of feedback of the B-wing, where is it?
Okay. We put it in guys.
It's gonna be okay.
It's that idea
of being able to control your bombs specifically that from
from a mechanical standpoint,
that well with the ship.
We thought that was such a good fit
that it made made sense to really lean
into that Bomber room.
The other thing is,
if you look at the design of our ships
the Y-wing has always been intended to be kind of a spectrum
between going all Bomber and more of a dogfighter
or somewhere in between.
We give you quite a bit of flexibility.
With the B-wing, we've gone even further to the right,
so it can dog fight but at the most
it's gonna be a backline fighter.
That's kind of providing think of it like artillery support.
Whereas on the other extreme, it is a Bomber that is good
for dropping bombs and nothing else.
And you darn well better escort it in terms
of team composition.
The thing with the B-wing is that it is the farthest thing
over on the extreme of kind of the,
I just murder people to I just murder capital ships spectrum
of different ships.
And so it's something that doesn't work well on its own.
This is a ship that benefits tremendously
from being paired with the U-wing and to a lesser extent
by being paired with other ships that can support
and protect it on way to the destination.
Similarly, you can set it up to be more of a dogfighter
but even in that case, it's not gonna be, you know
flying around in the middle of everything the way
that A-wing would, it stays more at a distance.
And while everyone else is keeping the enemy busy
it just guns them down, you know, tremendous artillery.
So it's very much a ship that leans into teamwork.
You don't want to run B-wings
without the support of your buddies
[upbeat music]
And that was every star fighter in Star Wars: Squadrons.
We hope this has helped you understand the game
a little bit better and brought that galaxy
far away a little bit closer to home.
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