Every Hero in 'Avengers: Infinity War'
Released on 08/14/2018
Hi, Russo brothers here.
We are the directors of Avengers: Infinity War.
And we're here to talk about
every hero in Avengers: Infinity War.
So let's get started.
(bright music)
Tony Stark is Iron Man.
I think in a lot of ways he is the heart
and soul of the Marvel Universe.
Tony Stark's powers are fascinating
because they basically come from his mind,
they come from his scientific knowledge,
his brilliance, his intelligence,
and his sort of aspirations.
It allows you to sort of track a journey
in the character and watch him evolve
and sort of better himself through the use of these powers.
And he's a fascinating character,
he's a character we love because he's imminently flawed
and we like characters that are challenging
and that express their humanity and I think
Tony Stark does that as well as any of the characters.
He started off as a narcissistic alcoholic
and grew into a hero which I think makes him
imminently relatable and why he signifies
what the Marvel Universe stands for.
It's this notion of a character first and that heroes
are defined through the choices that they make.
He has one of the most exciting
power sets of any of the characters.
(electricity crackling)
Thor is an Asgardian god, he started off
heir to the throne of Asgard and found himself
not worthy of taking the mantle of king of the Asgardians.
And I think he's been on a very complicated journey
where he struggles with his ability
to feel worthy and be worthy.
Well he's never fought me.
Yeah, he has. Well he's never
fought me twice.
I think he's looking for a moral compass in his life.
What we love about him in Infinity War
is that he has been torn down to his essential parts.
And he goes on a hero's journey which is a very
underdog journey for someone of his stature
because he has lost everything in his life.
In a lot of ways, he is the driving hero's arc
of the movie which stands in direct opposition
to Thanos' arc, and I would argue that had Thor
chopped his head off at the end of the movie,
that the movie would have belonged to Thor.
But because he didn't, it belongs to Thanos.
Now that these actors have played these characters
over multiple movies, Chris Hemsworth was very valuable
coming off Ragnarok because we were executing these movies
before we were able to fully process
what had been done with the character.
Both Chris Hemsworth and Taiki Waititi
were really really important to us
in terms of understanding that very unique journey
that that character had in that movie
so that we can figure out how to pick up the narrative
with where he was in his life now.
(crashing) The Hulk
is in a very interesting place.
In Infinity War, he and Banner had been at odds
over who controls the host body
since we first met Bruce Banner.
It's a Jekyll and Hyde relationship,
they grow, at turns, weary with one another.
I don't know, sorta been having a thing.
Hulk refuses to help Banner because he believes
that Banner only uses the Hulk to solve problems.
And Hulk, I think, is starting to perceive himself
as who should control the host body because he doesn't feel
like Banner brings an awful lot to the table.
In Infinity War, Banner has to become the hero
and go to war with Thanos' minions,
and he does so and he's successful,
but ultimately not at beating Thanos.
(suspenseful music)
Captain America. I am Steve Rogers.
We entered the MCU by directing
Captain America: Winter Soldier.
What we love about the character is the humility
of the character, the fact that he came
from very basic roots and through sort of his will
and his aspiration and the sort of fortune
of being chosen for the Super Soldier program,
he was able to sort of make more of himself
than he would have been able to otherwise.
I think that's what people really
admire about the character.
Joe and I never really responded to the earlier comics
where is sort of a simplistic symbol
of patriotism, we were always interested in exploring
something a little more complex with the character
and really understanding him on more of a human level.
That's, I think, the journey that we've been on
with that character through several films now.
Black Widow, her unique distinction of being
a villain who was turned into a hero makes her, for us,
one of the richer characters to work with.
Scarlett Johansson has incredible range as an actress
but can embody, at the same time, vulnerability
and toughness and I think that's very difficult to do.
We've been fortunate enough to grow that character
over three films, Winter Solider,
Civil War, and Infinity War and in Winter Soldier,
we found so compelling about pairing her up
with Captain America was that he is this sort of
this paragon of morality and she is a paragon of gray.
But they've grown together and I think
when you find them in this movie
and they've been the Secret Avengers for two years
because they're being hunted by Ross and the government,
they're like a tight-knit family now,
her, Sam Wilson, and Steve Rogers.
It's hardened all of them in a way.
You can't go on the run without it affecting you emotionally
so I think all of those characters,
but specifically the ones who survived Inifity War,
Cap and Natasha, you will see them with a much harder edge.
Alright, back up Sam or you'll get your wings singed.
War Machine, Rhodey is coming out of Civil War
having lost the use of his legs.
He is a military man who understands duty and sacrifice.
The moment where he accepts Cap and Widow and Sam
when they return is a real testament to his character
and who he is, he understands that the priority
of saving the universe outweighs the priority
of petty differences, he's a very noble character.
And he's becoming an integral part of the Avengers team.
Doctor Strange, we were really thrilled
to be able to work with Doctor Strange
for the first time in Avengers: Infinity War.
And one of the things we were most excited about
with that character in this film is sort of
smashing him against the character of Tony Stark.
I will not hesitate to let either of you die.
We liked the fact that the two characters
are kind of narcissistic and they have
an alpha energy to them and we thought well what happens
when you put them in the same room together?
One dedicated to this idea of science
and one dedicated to this idea of magic.
(concrete smashing) And the conflict that
would result from their different
points of view so Doctor Strange played
a very powerful role in Avengers: Infinity War.
As a kid, as a comic book collector,
what I loved about Doctor Strange
was the mystical element to him.
Certainly not, I speak for myself.
He knew more than everyone else
because of his connection to magic.
Doctor Strange is a prescient character
and the fact that he was able to view
the events unfolding 14 million times
and watching them lose 14 million times
is weighing heavy on his heart
and doesn't save him at the end of the movie.
So, again, we wanted to show that no matter
what level of power you had,
Thanos is an unstoppable force
and ultimately the victory was going to be his.
(suspenseful music) Spider-Man.
It was a great thrill for us to be able
to reintroduce this character with Tom Holland
playing Spider-Man and the relationship,
the special relationship that he has with Tony Stark.
Kid, you're an Avenger now.
That mentor mentee relationship is very rich
and complex and having cast the character
as a real teen, we really set up a very similar dynamic
between Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Holland
that's very reflective of the characters.
Robert was very much a mentor to Tom
through the shooting process and it's not easy
to play a superhero and I think Robert was very instrumental
in helping Tom find that voice in him for that character.
It was very charming how it was so reflective
of the character relationship.
Wakanda forever! Black Panther
has tremendous potential as a character
in the Marvel Universe and I think Wakanda
is essential to whatever may happen post
Avengers: Infinity War to how the world may deal
with what has happened to them.
Chadwick's portrayal of that character
adds a whole new level to the Marvel Universe,
he's bringing a quiet intensity
and a regality to that character.
The technology that Wakanda has at its disposal
is valuable to repairing the world and moving forward.
He was a character that we loved working with
in Civil War and you see by the end of the film
is that he rises above the fray and he displays forgiveness.
That nobility is critical and again something
that separates him from some of the other characters
in the Marvel Universe 'cause that is not always the case.
That's what makes them all unique.
Gamora's an extremely strong character.
She is a daughter of Thanos which means
she was held captive by Thanos
as Thanos was moving through the universe,
conquering worlds, he would collect a range of children.
She also was a very special one for him.
Here, you try.
He had a relationship with her
unlike any he had with any of his other children.
He thought more highly of her than he thought
of any of his other children and it's sort of her struggle
to find her own identity and realize how to push back
against Thanos is a big part of her journey.
That journey is shared with her sister Nebula.
Like Gamora, Nebula is a child of Thanos,
not a literal child but she has also been collected by him
and while Nebula also finds a way
to finally liberate herself from and oppose her father,
she comes to that part of her journey
a little more slowly than Gamora does and there remains
a lot of tension between the two characters
revolving around the two arcs that they have to go through.
In the end, they end up both standing against Thanos
and standing together with one another.
I, Loki, prince of Asgard.
Loki, god of mischief, he's Thor's brother,
is another character who began his journey
as a villain and I think, finally,
shows his true colors in Infinity War
when he makes an attempt to murder Thanos
to save his own brother to tragic consequences.
We need to destroy the stone.
Vision, of course, plays a very special role
in Infinity War, he is the only character
who has a Infinity Stone actually built into his body.
We knew that put him in a very special place
in our storytelling because of that.
His sort of well-being and safety is at stake
if Thanos was going after the Stone
so his relationship with Wanda was very important to us
in this film because, as their romantic relationship
continues to develop, the stakes of that character
and his life become so important to her.
Stay with me.
One of the most tragic moments of the movie
and one of our favorite moments of the movie, of course,
is when she has to take his life
in order to stop Thanos from getting the stone,
and by destroying the stone that's in his head.
It's time. No.
And to watch those two characters
approach that moment in the way that they did,
really one of the most inspiring parts of the story for us.
Paul Bettany has always said he thinks about Vision as,
his primary motivation is just someone
who is seeking to understand humanity
and I think that in that final gesture,
Vision really achieved a full humanity.
Scarlet Witch, like Black Widow,
had a complicated history.
If you start off as a villain,
it's usually, you're motivated by self-interest.
What's so compelling about her is that she has become
one of the most characters that readily
display empathy and love towards someone else.
Her love story with Vision was really
the essential core of the film
and the real tragedy of Infinity War
was as they were cementing their relationship
with one another, this external force injected itself,
forced her to make an incredibly difficult decision
as a hero, could you kill someone you love
in order to save the universe?
I mean, it was doubly tragic, too, because of her history,
her character history of having lost her brother,
certainly one of the more tragic and also in some ways
inspiring parts of the story for us.
Sam Wilson, Falcon.
Like Rhodey and T'Challa, understands how
to put the common good ahead of any self interests.
He was a military hero, came out
of a secret program called the Falcon Project.
His superpowers quote unquote come from his heart
and his soul and that makes him distinctive.
Winter Soldier, the journey that Bucky Barnes
has gone on from being Cap's best friend
to being captured by HYDRA and then sort of
experimented on by HYDRA and turned into the Winter Solider,
that was the heart of the conflict
of Captain America: Winter Soldier for Joe and I
was the idea that Cap was in a situation
where he had to fight his best friend
and this sort of dedication to reaching that friend
that he still believed was inside the Winter Soldier
was sort of the heart of the film for us.
We get away with a lot of darkness in that character
because of the fact that he is mind-controlled,
even more so than other characters
who have sort of villainous pasts
like Scarlet Witch or Black Widow.
This character we can push that villainy even further.
That's part of what makes the character
both dangerous and fun.
Allfathers, let the dark magic flow through me one last.
Heimdall was the all-seeing,
all-knowing gatekeeper for Asgard.
At the beginning of Infinity War,
sacrifices his life to send the Hulk to Earth
so that Bruce Banner can warn
everyone there about the threat of Thanos.
Okoye is the head of the Dora Milaje
tasked with protecting the King of Wakanda,
Black Panther, and she takes her job very very seriously
and it comes to the ultimate test in Avengers: Infinity War.
Then he killed everyone anyway.
Eitri the Dwarf is a part of a very special race
of beings who are weapons makers
and they have served the Asgardian kings for many millennia.
A king's weapon. He has skills and tools
that create weapons that are like Thor's hammer,
like his ax in this film that--
Magical. No one else can make.
He can imbue them with the power
of the Bifrost so his skillset is revered.
Big Bang sent six elemental crystals.
Wong is a great magician who complements Doctor Strange
as a protector of the Sanctorum and the mystic arts.
He and Strange have a competitive and combative relationship
and I think that that's what makes
them special is that they are better
as a team than they are individually.
Kick names, take ass. Mantis.
One of the most fun members of the Guardians of the Galaxy,
she's a newer member, she has very special skills
that can reach people on emotional levels and mentally.
She plays a very pivotal role in our Avengers plan
to take down Thanos in the climax of the film,
things go awry nonetheless
but she's certainly a source of great fun.
I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still
that I have become invisible to the eye.
Drax the Destroyer, he's born of tragic circumstances.
His family was murdered by Thanos' minions,
part of Thanos' culling of the universe.
Prior to obtaining the Stones,
Thanos would go planet by planet,
destroy half the population of each planet indiscriminately.
He is a character seeking revenge for his family
but his oddity creates a really
interesting tonal character that is
at times tragic and at other times hilarious.
(uplifting music) Groot,
because of most people's inability to understand him,
he is a very spiritual character.
Also because he's elemental, y'know he's a tree.
He's a very powerful character.
His heart, as well, is something that carries him
as a hero and that was illustrated
in the first Guardians when he made that sacrifice.
And in this film, even though he's regressed
and is going through his adolescence again,
which has a tendency to make you a little
self-interested and a little internal,
he does, at the moment when he's needed,
make the right choice and offers up his arm
to complete the weapon that can
bring about the end of Thanos.
How much for the gun?
Not for sale. (gun firing)
Okay, how much for the arm?
[Anthony] Rocket is a favorite of many people.
Oh, I'll get that arm. And he keeps himself
very distanced on an emotional level from other characters
and that makes him very tough to crack
and very tough to even get along with sometimes.
But that's part of the fun of the character
is figuring out ways where he can emotionally connect
with someone and that was a favorite storyline
of ours in this film, in Infinity War,
that special relationship that he develops with Thor,
seeing Thor suffer like he's come to suffer.
The fact that he's lost everything
and everyone, finally kind of cracks.
Rocket, I think there's also a little bit of self-interest
in there, he knows that if Thor doesn't sort of get focused
and do the job he's supposed to do,
they may all die at the hands of Thanos.
Nonetheless, they do form a very
special relationship in this movie.
(energy crackling) Star-Lord,
incredibly human character.
He grew up under extreme circumstances,
captured by space pirates, raised by pirates,
taken away from his mother who was
dying of cancer at a very early age.
I think it's made him a bit of a rogue.
I like your plan except it sucks
so let me do the plan and that way, it might be really good.
Star-Lord is someone that we relate to greatly.
His superpowers are his wits, his passion,
and his strength of character.
Again, he's not somebody who's been endowed
with superpowers outside of his heritage with his father
but this idea that he relates more to his humanity
than he does to this god-like part of himself
is what makes him so interesting to us.
Shuri is the smartest person in the Marvel Universe.
She is the sister of T'Challa,
a princess of Wakanda, and she's the brains
behind Wakanda's incredibly advanced technology.
Ayo is a key member of the Dora Milaje,
I would say Okoye's right hand.
She is charged with protecting Shuri
in the lab to keep her safe while she
tries to remove the Stone from Vision.
And she had a very memorable but brief showdown
with Black Widow in Captain America: Civil War.
Move or you will be moved.
Nick Fury makes a very brief and unfortunate appearance
in Avengers: Infinity War but none of the Avengers
are here without Nick Fury, he is the lifeblood
of the Avengers program and the reason that the world
even had the Avengers in the first place.
Maria Hill is a SHIELD agent,
she has worked very closely with Nick Fury.
Also has a brief but unfortunate appearance
in Infinity War with Nick Fury.
I'm like I can't believe how many
characters we've- I know.
We're the Russo brothers, thanks Wired fans
for watching and we hope you learned a lot.
(lightning crackling)
Bingo. Alright.
(energy explosions)
Together, we can stop Thanos.
(dramatic music)
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