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    Meet Catherine Ray—A 2014 Thiel Fellow and Mathematics Wunderkind

    Seventeen-year-old Catherine Ray just received a $100,000 Thiel Fellowship. Armed with a B.S. in computational physics, the mathematics whiz is planning to fix everything that’s wrong with wheelchairs. Get to know the teen technorati.

    Released on 06/13/2014


    (pinging sounds)

    I'm Catherine Ray, I'm 17, and I graduated with

    my Bachelor's of bet365体育赛事 in Computational Physics.

    I'm going to fix everything that is wrong with wheelchairs.

    I named my wheelchair PRIIIME!

    PR: Personal Robot,

    III: It's a triple phase wheelchair

    and ME showing it's customizable

    to each person's mobility needs.

    I would consider myself more of an adult than a child.

    I started attending university when I was 13.

    I think that age doesn't matter.

    What matters is that I work hard to deserve the opportunity

    after I receive it.

    If you're a woman in technology

    and you feel that you're struggling,

    first, recognize that your gender really does not matter

    and second of all gain people's respect by working hard

    and loving what you do.

    I came to the Bay area this summer

    and started talking to Fellows

    and I realized that all of the quirks

    that had been seen as bad back home were embraced.

    My intense passion about doing things

    and talking about science,

    that A-ha! Moment happened to me when I came out here

    and I was so happy

    and I felt that I finally found my people.

    (happy music)

    Starring: Catherine Ray
