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The Two-Minute Lightning Pitch

The big day is finally here and the finalists only have 2 minutes to convince judges that they should be one of 20 to receive a $100,000 Thiel Fellowship. As the students take the stage, see who stands out—and who comes up short—in the final lightning pitches.

Released on 06/03/2014


[Jake] I'm Jake and today we'll deliver

two-minute lightning pitches

to a room full of Silicon Valley heavy-hitters,

with 100-K on the line.

This is Teen Technorati.

It's the moment of truth.

All our hard work has led to this.

Now, we've just gotta control our stage fright

long enough to convince the judges our projects

are worth funding.

If the tension backstage was electricity,

we could light up the city.

I have two minutes to share me and what I love to do.

All you remember is someone that came up with a solution

to a problem that's always been there.

I have here a Snapdragon 800 processor

and I can honestly tell you

that I don't even scratch the surface

of what this device can do.

Last year, I was scheduled to graduate, but unfortunately,

my lung literally exploded.

I created Docbot and I want to bring

computer-aided physician diagnosis

into the clinical setting.

I'm Catherine Ray and I'm going to fix everything

that's wrong with wheelchairs.

Here's an entirely separate set of actions

that will lead us down a path of prosperity,

a path of peace, a path where we're decreasing the tension

that's occurring in society.

Neil Armstrong's small step is screaming

for another giant leap.

Mars could be our small step.

TYKE is a small robot which has infra-red camera sensor

to go next to a body and find out if it's dead or alive.

I want to make education fun for everybody.

We've made learning addicting with our platform.

We've gamified education.

Come hit me up to learn more.

We launched Finish a little bit over a year ago

and we've been blown away by our user's response.

And we're hugely honored to win the Apple Design Award,

at last year's WWDC.

Almost everybody in this audience knows

at least one person they cared about

who is now dead from cancer.

I'm using automated high-throughput drugs screening

to analyze hundreds and thousands of small molecules

for drug candidates that could prevent cancer.

I'm sure the Thiel Fellowship can help me out

with this project, thank you.

So this is what Bambina is.

It tracks vital signs, relays that information to parents

so that they are able to take action

and care for their child in an innovative way.

Thank you for all your support.

I don't remember being on stage

and I don't know what I said.

So I guess, maybe, I'll just have to watch a video after,

because I really have no idea what just went on up there.

If you want to come see my prototype,

if you want to learn more about what we're doing,

please come talk to me, thank you very much.

I feel it went well.

It was really nerve-racking at first,

but as soon as I got that first sentence out

it just all seemed to fall into place.

I've never done speaking at all, in public,

so I feel like I did pretty well.

I am passionate about improving the human condition

by using current technologies to enable those in need.

Thank you.

Although I did stumble once or twice and I perhaps was

more serious than I intended to be

just because I was trying to get through it.

I think that I did well.

I was expecting a couple more laughs on those jokes

but I guess this isn't the laughing crowd.

Gas was 35 cents a gallon and a computer took up the size

of a reasonably priced apartment in San Francisco.

Tough crowd, these tech-industry big-wigs

and now we're about to spend some quality time with them

in the Mentor Matches.

I'm glad the pitch is over

but I'm really excited about the Mentor Match,

because I can't wait to show them what I've been working on,

the ideas I have and just meeting people.

Because these people have done amazing things

with their lives,

and I have something to gain from their experiences.

[Jake] Whose idea would you invest a 100-K in?

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for more Teen Technorati.
