Diaper Cream
Released on 09/11/2014
(ambient music)
[Narrator] Uh-oh. (alarm ringing)
Sounds like somebody needs their nappy changed.
Better hold your breath as we check
what's inside Triple Paste Diaper Cream.
It was originally developed by Summers Laboratories
as a prescription-strength medicated ointment
for children's hospitals and dermatologists.
Now, Triple Paste does double duty
with an over-the-counter formula,
minus the original's dash of antifungal miconazole nitrate.
Otherwise both versions of the product
contain similar ingredients.
Like sterile alcohol to suppress evaporation,
since keeping skin dry, but not dried out,
is key to combating diaper rash.
That's because liquids increase the permeability of skin,
allowing irritants like urine and fecal enzymes
into the epidermis, which is why Triple Paste
uses zinc oxide and white petrolatum, aka Vaseline,
to create a powerful barrier
between baby bum and diaper scum.
Further strengthening that barrier is anhydrous lanolin.
A purified version of the oil sheep exude into their wool
as a water-proofing agent,
while additionally accelerating the growth
of healthy, new skin cells.
But of all the indignities caused
by sitting in your own poop, the worst may be
a candida yeast infection.
So Triple Paste's formula also includes oat kernel extract
as a mild antifungal protein.
Bisabol, compounded from chamomile,
provides additional antibacterial support,
with cholesterol, and polysorbate 80
rounding things out as emulsifiers.
Though of course the most important ingredient
for making a baby feel better is what?
That's right, love.
(ambient music)
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