Trojan Tingly Warmth Lubricant
Released on 08/01/2014
(light music)
[Voiceover] Sexual chemistry.
Sure, it's what brings a couple together
in the first place, but the science
of bringing them together without friction
is today's tantalizing topic
as we explore what's inside Trojan Tingly Warmth lubricant.
First, let's get in the mood with a little caulking
since being handy around the house is always
a turn on, and also because the dimethicone
in the common sealant is kissing cousins
with a sexy family of silicone polymers.
Mmm, polymers.
For example, short molecular chain variance
of dimethicone can be found in breast implants,
while a rubbery long chain version
of the friction fighter comprises the silky skin
of sex dolls.
In Trojan lubricants, dimethicone gets busy
with dimlethiconol, an additive in lotions
and conditioners that leaves a satiny coating
on skin and hair, and both contain rheological properties,
meaning they love to go with the flow.
What really turns up the heat, though,
is vanillyl butyl ether, which gets nerve membranes
all hot and bothered by penetrating them
with calcium.
VBE also has a hexagonal head,
identical to capsaicin, the molecule
that gives hot peppers their punch,
allowing it to spice things up by pushing
your biological buttons without the sensation
becoming so intense you need a cold shower.
Instead, Trojan lubricants use menthol
to keep everything cool and tingly
by triggering TRPM8, an ion channel protein
that tells your nerves to chill out, literally.
Which is a much healthier dose of menthol
than smoking after sex.
So now you know what's inside,
and we hope it was as good for you
as it was for us.
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