Why drones will be much safer than you think
Released on 05/15/2015
And then if you look even further down the road
and your consumer drones are out there and Amazon's flying
its drones and Facebook's doing its project and whoever
else is trying to compete with Amazon so then we've
got all these drones in the air,
what about these things hitting each other and how do you
deal with that, do you need technology to allow these
things to fly, say.
Several companies are taking that on,
NASA's got a project taking that on,
the FAA's looking at it,
I believe all the planes in the US, even the small ones
will be required to have what they call ADSB technology
which gives a GPS signal and receives it on the frequency
bands and that technology could be used in the drones
as well and that will keep us pretty safe apart,
the part we haven't solved yet is to make absolutely
sure you're not going to hit a tree.
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