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What $500 Can Get You on Magic (Silicon Valley’s Newest Texting-Based Delivery Service)

We gave tech writer Brent Rose $500 to stress-test Silicon Valley’s overnight sensation, Magic. From meatballs to medicinal cannabis to Mexican wrestling, see what unfolds when he pushes the new text message-based delivery service.

Released on 03/02/2015


Hey, what's up, guys?

I'm Brent Rose, tech writer and marine mammal.

Today, I'm feeling super, super lazy.

And luckily, there's a new service

for lazy asses just like myself.

It's called Magic.

You just send off a text message

and a real human will field your request

and have it delivered to you.

This service is only a few days old,

but it's already gone viral

and has a waiting list of 20,000 people.

But, lucky me, I got an invite.

So, I contacted my friends at Wired,

and I asked if we could have some petty cash to blow

in stress testing Magic.

They've given me $500, so, let's see what we can do.

I want a meatball sandwich.

Do you want a meatball sandwich?

(phones beeps)

I'd love two meatball sandwiches.

Meet all sandwiches?

I screwed that up.

No problem, Brent.

Give us a couple of minutes to work our magic.

The order is on the way.

It should be there in 45 minutes.

It's $25.

Use this link to complete the order.

See what happens.

Pay with card or Bitcoin.

Boop. (cash register dings)

So, payment went through and they said they received it.

Want some beer?

(phones beeps)

A couple bottles of Ninkasi Tricerahops.

Yeah, of course!

Let me look into that right now.

It's like just obscure enough

that it should be a challenge for these guys.

We can get the brew to you in about 45 minutes.

Total should be $17.

What do you think?

I think yes. (cash register dings)

So, we've got a bunch of requests.

It is easier to do them one at a time?

Tell us what you want

and we'll let you know how we can make it happen!

Haha, see he laughed.

I need an authentic Mexican wrestling mask

and a ukulele chord book.

(doorbell rings)

Oh, snap.

Hang tight where you can get this,

and the doorbell just rang.

This is a wonderful moment in my life.

Hey, how's it going?

Alright, thank you much.

Oh, yeah.


The laziness behind the sandwich

just makes the sandwich just all that much better.

Is it a kid's or adult mask?

(phones beeps) Adult, obviously.

Mexican wrestling is not kid stuff.

We can get this to you for $70 in about an hour.

(cash register dings)

Should probably keep a running total.

Sandwich, beer, mask.

We're not spending nearly enough money right now.

Doorbell just rang.

Oh, it's the beer.

[Deliveryman] Would you like cold beer?

Do I take the bucket, too?

Have the bucket.

Sweet. Alright.

Thank you, man.

'Preciate it. Have a good one.

In ice. That's a beautiful thing.

(ice rattles) (bottle cap popping)

[Both] Cheers. (glasses clink)

(swallows) (gasping happily)

Let's get some more shit.

They've done a really good job so far with goods.

Let's see how they do with services.

I kinda like this hoodie.

(phones beeps)

Can you have someone go to the Betabrand Store

in the Mission

and try on the Glenn Plaid Executive Hoodie

in a size medium, take a selfie of himself

and send it to me so I can see if it looks good?

Sure, no problem.

Let me get you an ETA for that selfie.


(phones beeps)

Also, where's my fucking Mexican wrestling mask?

Just kidding.

(patient music)


It's been, like, almost 20 minutes.

They do not currently carry that jacket,

but they do carry it in non-plaid.

Here's a selfie.

Would you like us to buy that?


$145 and you'd be able to wear it today.

(cash register dings)

$145 for the most expensive hoodie.

Sorry, say that again?

Oh, okay.

I haven't seen the text yet.


(doorbell rings)

Oh, um...

I think we're okay.

Ukulele chord book.

Hope you're happy.

'Preciate, yeah, thank you very much.

All I wanted was the dictionary.

They got me a whole song book.

(playing the ukulele)

We're just gonna throw another scenario at them.

I'm unexpectedly spending the night at a friend's place.

I need toothbrush, toothpaste, a condolences greeting card,

condoms, and a houseplant that's over three feet tall.

(doorbell rings)

They say Christmas only comes once a year.

(zipping jacket)

(laughing) $145.

I feel like this is going pretty well.

I've got some beer in me.

I've got a lot of meatball sandwich in me.

A really overpriced hoodie,

and a very warm Mexican wrestling mask,

which is apparently not authentic.

They just wrote back.

Okay, about the stuff for your sleepover.

We can get you everything for $100.

(cash register dings) Alright.

(phones beeps)

I would really like a joint

made of high CBD medicinal cannabis, and yes,

I have my medical marijuana prescription with me.

Okey dokie.

We'll check on the cannabis, too.

They're so cheerful.

Obviously, we're probably getting

some preferential treatment,

because they want to look good for this video.

They can scale up and do this for all of their users,

(doorbell rings)

then it'll be a pretty impressive service.

Yeah, that'll work.

They just wrote back.

The first step will be for you to send us pictures

of your drivers license

and prescription for medical cannabis.

Legally, you will have to pay on delivery to dispensary.

We cannot pay for your cannabis,

but we will help you with this process.

(phones beeps)

(doorbell rings)

There will be a $15 service fee.

And there's the doorbell.

The celebration of life lives forever

in the memories of our loved ones.

With deepest sympathy.

She's gonna love that.

So, I kind of admire what they're doing

with the medicinal marijuana situation here.

It certainly would be easier to just find a dispensary

on my own that delivers,

but they're doing a really admirable job.

What does that text say? You just got a text.

I'm sorry, I didn't notice this.

There's a $50 minimum for this dispensary.

We can do three prerolls for $40

and add $15 Kieva chocolate bites, if you'd like.


(phones beeps)

Let's just do four joints.

Thanks so much.

Order is confirmed.

Enjoy your cannabis.


(phones beeps)

Final task for the day.

Could you have someone buy 10 sandwiches

and distribute them to the homeless around the mission?

Great. (cash register dings)

That'll be $90 for the 10 sandwiches plus delivery.

Sandwiches have been ordered from El Cafetazo in Mission.

This is the text we received from our runner.

Handed out all 10.

They were all really grateful.

That's awesome.

(doorbell rings)

Hey, how's it going?

[Deliveryman] Hey, you Bret?

[Brent] Yes.

[Deliveryman] Hey, Brent, how are you?

How are you? Good, I'm (beep).

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

[Deliveryman] You have your drivers license?

[Brent] I do.

[Deliveryman] Cool, let me just take a quick peek at that.

[Brent] Yep. (cash register dings)

[Deliveryman] There you go.

Sweet. Alright, see you later.

[Brent] Thank you, man.

Have a good one. Have a great night.

[Brent] Thank you, you too.


Oh, shit.

They gave us five instead of four.

Quite the deal for $50 bucks.

So, what do you guys think?

Is this the epitome of American laziness, greed,

and entitlement, or is this kind of a cool service?

Or is it both?

Let us know what you think in the comments.

Don't forget to subscribe to Wired here.

And, with that,

we've spent all of the petty cash we were allotted,

so there's only one thing left to do.

(dubstep music)


(strumming ukulele)

♫ Is this a scam

♫ Is this a ploy

♫ Is this the epitome of laziness

♫ Or the essence of joy

♫ This is Magic

♫ Oh

♫ It's just Magic

Is my mask on fire?

(cameraman laughing)

I feel like my mask might be on fire.

Starring: Brent Rose
