A Look at Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite
Released on 12/18/2013
(light ambient music)
[Woman] When you buy an e-reader,
you buy into an ecosystem.
As prosaic as this may sound, we prefer Amazon.
The newest version of Amazon's e-reader comes
with access to the company's famously extensive bookstore,
plus Goodreads, which lets it recommend other books to you.
And you know how earlier Kindles were slow to turn pages
and didn't quite handle lighting?
Well, they've mostly worked that out.
Pages turn faster, and the Paperwhite uses side lighting
and the E Ink background so you can read in any environment.
Although if you squint really hard,
you might be able to tell that the lighting
isn't entirely uniform, but that's easy enough
to overlook when you're flipping
to the end of Game of Thrones even faster.
(upbeat music)
(light ambient music)
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