PlayStation 4: Mark Cerny Breaks Down the Hardware
Released on 11/07/2013
My name is Mark Cerny and I'm the lead system architect
for PlayStation 4.
You know, there's so many places you can play games today.
Historically, that wasn't true.
If you go back to the early 90s
Tetris sold 30 million copies on Game Boy.
It was the killer application.
Today games can be played on tablets, smart phoness,
portable consoles, home consoles, PCs.
And to get the attention of the
development community is very, very difficult.
My name's Andrew House and I'm the president
and group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment,
the division that's producing the PlayStation 4.
I think, you know, the PlayStation 3
was an extremely ambitious and absolutely superb
piece of technology.
Having said that, it came with
some inherent challenges on the business front.
We looked at PlayStation 4, I think there were several
sort of key principals that influenced our design.
And some of it I regard as getting back to
the very best of the PlayStation DNA.
When PlayStation 3 wrapped, we all started
to do post-mortems.
It had been pretty brutal, frankly.
The hardware was very, very hard to use for the developers.
And I just couldn't stop thinking
maybe there was a different path
maybe there was a hardware that could be made
where it would be more natural to make the games.
Hi, I'm Shuhei Yoshida.
I'm the president of Worldwide Studioses
for Sony Computer Entertainment.
I ended up kind of throwing my hat in the ring
and just proposing to Sony Computer Entertainment
that I would lead the PlayStation 4 hardware project.
He has extremely deep technical knowledge
and therefore commands the respect of engineering teams
on the hardware and architecture front.
But he is, as everyone knows him best,
also a really talented and very successful game developer.
I mean, this was beyond unusual.
This was, in many ways, crazy.
Needless to say, I was very surprised when they said yes
that I could go ahead and take on that role for the project.
I suspect, though, what was key simply was that
we'd reached the point in games overall
that it was appropriate to bring the software creators
into the room when the hardware was being designed.
Ultimately, it's all about having the best games
on the platform.
Short-term, we can expect some very good games.
Long-term I think we can really look
forward to the growth in games.
I mean, there's a lot of untapped depth in the hardware.
But as we go forward, year three, year four,
I really believe that we're going to see
those techniques used to make the games,
of course more graphically attractive,
but also make the worlds richer and more interactive.
[Game Character] So weak!
I mean, the concept with Knack is really
about creating a mash-up between
a Pixar-style family film and a character action game
based around this very unique character called Knack.
On the hardware side, we are benefiting
from the power in the PlayStation 4.
The game runs full HD, so it's 1080p native.
We aren't scaling it up.
And we have a character that's driven by
a 5,000 part custom physic simulation.
And there's a lot of detail in those images.
We'll learn a lot more about what
can be done with PlayStation 4 once we get a look at them.
Starring: Mark Cerny
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PlayStation 4: Mark Cerny Breaks Down the Hardware
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