Creating Games with a Purpose
Released on 08/20/2013
(upbeat techno music)
As you said, when you hacked the game Donkey Kong,
we're not trying to send some kind of message.
No, I wasn't trying, but like
I learned a lot in the process, right?
So, after this had happened,
and the outpouring of opinion on the YouTube channel,
and realizing what my daughter
is going to be facing as she grows up,
now I've got this thought of how can I,
in just my daily development life, and everything else,
how do I apply what I've learned in this process
to the next thing or the next game we do,
or the next hack, or whatever?
And so, I'm in the middle of trying to figure that out.
I don't really have an answer for that.
I've got a few emails I kinda pushed up to the top
from people who are, really touching stories
about how games affected their lives
and how it continues to, video games
can actually help people.
And there's a good way to do this.
It's not something you stop and say
I'm gonna make a game to help people
like all those brain-age stuff and everything.
Not that kind of approach.
There's something even more culturally,
something that's much deeper that you can do with a game,
that film can't provide, books can't provide.
So I'm exploring that right now
and I have a few test cases that kind of came my way
because of this that I really want to
Okay to bring this to.
Yeah, I think that trying to change somebody,
trying to change somebody's life is not something
that I'm like personally comfortable with.
That's like, Whoa dude, it's your own life.
When you try too hard,
that pushes the people away actually.
Yeah, people have been trying to make games
to like, teach people and so on
for the longest time and that stuff doesn't work.
Or like, games for girls.
We're gonna make games for girls.
It doesn't work because people don't want
this kind of prescriptive medicine.
They don't wanna be preached to.
The irony is, the more specific
you make the thing, the more like
specifically personal it is to you,
the more kind of widely resonant that it could be
and that, this is the perfect example.
I agree.
You did something for your daughter
in this particular situation.
You never really intended for it to go wide
but then, like all these people
are like, Oh my god.
Because it didn't come from a place
of trying to make a statement or whatever
it ended up, like walking into that
and doing what it should have done,
which is be itself and stand for
what its original purpose was.
It's just a very difficult line to walk
when you're working on something
that's a lot more personal.
It's like with Field of Dreams,
like if you build it, they will come.
Just focus on what's personal,
what's meaningful for you
and that's gonna be the most genuine thing
that people will be attracted to.
I totally agree with that.
Creation and creativity, I mean
that's inherently a personal,
comes from a place of personal motivation
and to go and, like you said,
the prescriptive thing, not prescriptive
in the sense of everyone needs this,
but prescriptive in the sense of
this is how we're gonna structure this,
so as to appeal to X,Y or Z.
The sincerity is gone and if you're building a game,
to be sincere about something,
or to make an emotional impact,
it's just gonna either be cloying, saccharin,
or completely devoid of actual emotion,
it's gonna fall flat.
Yeah, there's so many examples of that.
It's just very frustrating
and being in the industry this long
and working for so many different people,
you can get jaded really easily with this stuff.
Like, you always walk into a meeting
with like, our core demographic
we want to have, Oh, kill me, kill me.
And then also, the selling of the idea,
it's stuff for fun being and all these things
It's like it's such a soul destroying process.
But when you get past that and you feel like
you have the palette now and the canvas
to do what you need to do,
that's when it gets really exciting.
Greg, when we were talking to you about Transistor,
you said when you brought it to Penny Arcade,
you said, how are we going to describe this to people?
Let's just have them play the game.
Because, having to log line this thing
that you're pouring all your time into
is just, that act of distillation
robs it of all of its
Yeah, or we didn't, like, back solve from the message.
We didn't like, come up with, here's the hook.
And here are the key features and then let's build those,
instead it's a more organic process of
build the thing, find out what the
actual heart and soul of it is,
and then, have some people play it,
report back to you what they think
is interesting about it, and then you're like okay.
Then you have a certain amount of confidence
in what's at the heart of the game
as opposed to just trying to force it
the entire time, which, games that are like
designed on paper rather than fully prototyped,
they often run the risk of that.
Prototyping itself is like a form of hacking.
You take whatever you have to take
throw it together and react to people
the way they're playing a game.
I always fall back on a old quote,
I think it was Toru Iwatani, he was asked
The designer of Pac-Man.
The designer of Pac-man.
And he was asked what is a game designer.
This was at a time when no one really knew
how to describe a game designer.
And his response was very immediate.
He was like, somebody who makes a game
that makes people happy.
Everything I've ever made
in my whole life, is always been that
Whether it was to make my friends happy,
make me happy, or whatever.
And so, when the prototype's coming together,
if nobody's happy in that process,
Oh, yeah.
That's the worst, and so you hack,
whatever you have to do to hack the happiness in.
And we're doing it right now on a project
and it's so rewarding to hack something together
no matter what it looks like or anything,
and somebody, when they're playing it,
and you see that smile come up,
you're like, done.
We got that mark.
I'm sure that people to make people sad
or whatever, and the palette of emotions,
but ultimately, I make games to make people happy.
But it's really awesome in that regard
and I don't see a difference between
hacking a game to make myself happy
or somebody else, uh, from a prototype.
(upbeat techno music)
It's really good when we get
actual game developers in here, isn't it.
It's not just you and I jabbering about
whatever pops into the top of our head.
Vague Simpsons references.
[Peter] Bootleg Street Fighter.
[Chris] Oh yeah, Chun-Li fireballs.
[Peter] Ooh, ooh, ooh, Wolfenstein characters in drag.
[Chris] Oh, Wolfenstein characters as Yoshis.
[Peter] Unicorns that poop fire.
Starring: Chris Kohler, Peter Rubin, Mike Mika, Greg Kasavin
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