New Xbox One - Design: Exclusive WIRED Video
Released on 05/21/2013
Well, from the very beginning, we wanted this
to be a very different console
from the evolution of where we've been.
(increasingly fast-paced music)
Scott Dallmeyer. Yes.
Senior Designer on the Industrial Design team.
So a lot of great care was taken when
we were designing the industrial design
of all of our products so that it fit together as a family.
Right, there's a cohesive design language
that ties all of our products together in this generation.
And we had to come up with something
that would really encapsulate all of those components
in a very efficient footprint, but still be compelling.
So we wanted this to really fit in with
the things that are in your living room or your game room.
Previously, we were a vertical icon, it really stood out.
With this, we wanted it to be very quiet, very confident,
but still very capable.
So instead of having a standard chrome
or a standard black, we have our very specific
Xbox-own dark chrome.
And even down to the micro-detailing.
We have a new key for the ABXY button.
There's three injection molding processes
that go into making this key.
And it becomes a new, almost a new icon when you're looking
at the controller itself.
Now the controllers for me are just,
I love seeing the things that weren't done.
The design bits that weren't adopted.
Did you guys machine these or are these 3D-printed?
So, these are 3D-printed.
We have this onsite.
So this is something that we can iterate on very quickly.
What we did was really tried to streamline
a lot of the things that were,
I wouldn't call them problems
of the real controllers, but things we can improve upon.
All of this is integrated into one simple shape.
Everything's clustered together so it's easier
to reach, it's easier to get rapid-fire
from trigger to trigger.
Getting rid of this battery pack was a huge deal.
So now, different size-shaped hands can get in there.
It's much easier to hold.
It's much more comfortable.
After a couple of hundred controller mock-ups
and, what, a hundred versions of the Kinect sensor,
is there one that we can actually take a look at?
Yeah, we've got one right over there.
Here we are, I mean these are, here are the babies.
It's meant to tie in with things that
are already seen in your entertainment systems in your home.
So really again, it's supposed to reinforce
that this is more of an entertainment box.
There's element, upon element, upon element
that took great, great care with all
of our 3D prints and all of our development.
We're really, really proud of this product.
Scott, thanks so much for being here.
Thank you.
And for showing us the final product.
My pleasure.
Starring: Chris Kohler, Peter Rubin
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