How This Guy Built a Roller Coaster In His Backyard
Released on 02/08/2019
[Narrator] There are people who like roller coasters,
there are people who love roller coasters,
and then there are people like Will Pemble.
All I need is a little bit of encouragement
to say yes to a crazy idea.
My name is Will Pemble, and I built a roller coaster
in my backyard.
[Narrator] Well of course he did.
I built a roller coaster in my backyard because
once upon a time when my son was 10 years old
Here we go.
We came home from vacation and he asked me,
Wouldn't it be great if we had a roller coaster
in the yard?
And it took me five seconds to know for absolute certain
that it would be great.
[Narrator] But first Pemble had to figure out
how to build one.
The first time we wanted to build a roller coaster
there wasn't a whole lot of information about it.
Okay, all things considered, not so bad.
There were a couple of videos online that we could look at.
The companies that build these don't really like
to share their secrets and so a lot of what we did
we had to kind of learn as we went.
I'm trained a little bit as an engineer.
I'm trained a little bit as a carpenter,
as a builder, I've learned how to weld.
I know some stuff but really we had to figure this out
through trial and error and while we were doing that
we had to make sure that it all stayed perfectly safe.
The trick to having your roller coaster turn out
the way you hope it will is you do the math.
You figure out what are the laws of physics
that are gonna govern this thing,
and how do I make those calculations
and understand what the coaster is gonna do
before you ever put a shovel in the ground,
before you even bend a piece of steel.
[Narrator] In total, he's built five coasters.
The first one I built in my backyard,
and it was made out of PVC and wood
about 180 feet of track.
The second roller coaster I built in my front yard
because there was already a roller coaster
in the back yard.
That's fun.
The third roller coaster I built for the Maker Fair
in San Francisco because I wanted to show my roller coaster
to more people than would fit in my yard.
The fourth roller coaster I built at a friend's house
because his kid wanted a roller coaster
and we were friends, and this is the fifth roller coaster,
the Gold Boss that I tried to improve on everything
we had done before and I feel like we've almost
gotten ourselves there.
[Narrator] The latest is a stomach swirling
stretch of steel right out the back door
of his northern California home.
A lot of people would put a swimming pool
in a yard like this.
Just a lot of people, most people would.
I didn't want that.
I didn't think that that would be particularly engaging.
I didn't think my kids would learn a whole lot from that,
and look, I have a roller coaster.
[Narrator] There are no tickets, no lines.
Just strap into the homemade cart, inch up the hill
and then fly through the turns.
The way the coaster works right now
is you get in, you go on the chain lift.
It takes about 30 or 40 seconds to get from the bottom
of the hill to the top of the hill.
So it's a pretty slow lift hill.
What that does, and we could speed it up,
but we didn't, but what that does is it gives you time
to kind of review your choices and think about
what you've done.
'Cause you look down at the thing
and it doesn't look like any roller coaster
that you've ever ridden before.
Its like oh my God, who built this thing?
Are you sure this is safe?
And by the time you get to the top you're just like,
you know this was a terrible idea,
and I have the exact same feeling.
So you get that for about 30 seconds
and then a couple of seconds when you just crest the hill
you're like, oh okay, and just like a nice, gentle,
and then you do, you just like drop off the edge
of the Earth into this dive.
And inside a couple of seconds, at the bottom of that
first straightaway there, you're going 18 miles an hour.
And then you dive into a 70 degree banked turn.
And you go 360, 450 degrees of 70 degree banked turn
back up into the sky and then you ride over this truss
and then drop down into that turn over there,
which is right next to the wall.
You go up the next camel hump which points off
the edge of the wall, and on the other side of that wall
is a 15 foot drop into I don't know what
and then you turn off of that and then you ride
into another bank and then you roll back to the station.
All of that takes less time than it took me
to describe it.
It takes like 17 seconds from the top of the lift
til back to the station.
And it's utterly horrifying, thrilling,
and the best part of all for me,
it's very very smooth.
[Narrator] But it's missing something.
At least according to Pemble's online fans
who follow his coaster building on his YouTube channel.
This coaster is awesome and a lot of people have
seen it online and we get a lot of help and
encouragement from people who watch my kooky
little videos about it.
One question that keeps coming up over and over again
is, doesn't it go upside down at any point?
It doesn't go upside down yet.
So I've had a number of people ask me if we could
add some kind of inversion, some way to make
the roller coaster go upside down here in the yard.
I have to try.
[Narrator] Now Pemble and his coaster collaborator
John Elliot, are making the loop de loop dream a reality.
And yes, he insists this is safe.
Before we built this coaster or any of the other coasters
we started with a spreadsheet and we did meter by meter
math and physics on how the cart would behave.
How the track would behave,
what the slopes needed to be, what the bank turn
would need to be, all of the things we figured out
before we ever started to build any of it.
That's the only way you can have it turn out predictably.
[Narrator] To absolutely guarantee that things are safe,
Pemble turns to his friend, Todd.
Okay Todd isn't really his friend.
He's a crash test dummy.
I know that I weigh 200 pounds and I wanna ride
my roller coaster, so we put our 300 pound
crash test dummy, Todd, on the roller coaster
and let him ride it a bunch of times
before we ever put a human being on it.
So we test everything.
[Narrator] But an upside down loop
is a different thing entirely.
The physics of loops is kind of interesting
and presents a number of opportunities and challenges.
One of the main things that you think about
in loops is centripetal acceleration
and that's the force with which your cart
is pushing on the outside of your loop.
So how hard is it pushing against the track?
With a perfectly circular loop
you need incredible speed, incredible centripetal
acceleration to keep the cart pushing up
when it reaches the top of the loop.
[Narrator] Most commercial coasters these days
use an upside down tear drop shaped loop
called the clockoid loop.
So the way a clockoid loop looks is
when you enter the loop you have a nice big radius
and then the radius decreases, decreases, decreases
decreases very tight turn at the top and then back
out of the loop.
One of the challenges of our clockoid loop
will be that we can't build a really really big one.
We're gonna need a relatively small radius loop.
The top of our coaster is 20 feet from the bottom
of our coaster, so we basically have 20 feet
of altitude, 20 feet of potential energy
that we can use to get in and out of the loop
and when we exit the loop we still have to
finish the whole rest of the course,
and so we can't use up all our energy
just to get through this loop.
If we enter the loop at a certain speed
when we run the math on that what I'm starting
to find is that the G's that you're gonna pull,
the force on the cart and the rider and the track
and the whole system is gonna get pretty freaking
high when you're entering that loop.
And by high I mean like three, four, five G's.
Really high.
It's not gonna be fun, it's not gonna feel good.
It might be something that you'd be proud of having
achieved, but it's not gonna be something
you would enjoy.
[Narrator] After a weekend of cutting, bending,
grinding and welding, Pemble and Elliot
have a new section of track.
It's not a loop after all.
It's a barrel roll.
Which should fit better into the existing layout
and according to Pemble won't subject the rider
to painful G forces.
So what we got here is the very top part
of the barrel roll.
So what happens is our cart will enter,
there's entry down there, but basically the cart enters
this part of the barrel roll.
The rider is pointing this way
and then they spin around this piece of track,
and by the time they finish this top part
they've made a 180 degree roll from this to that
over the course of about 18 feet,
and so we're feeling very happy about this because
this was the hardest part to build.
The materials to build this coaster
cost a little bit less than $10,000.
It's the labor that's gonna get you.
This roller coaster took us about three months.
Me and my friend John worked on it together
and we probably put about 300 hours of labor into the thing.
So not a trivial amount of work.
I've had a really lucky and wonderful life.
I built one of the biggest web hosting companies
in the world, and I sold that,
and I made a little bit of money.
I run a management consulting company now
called Gold Boss.
We teach leadership and teamwork.
It's amazing how much of what we learn
on the roller coaster project, figures into
the training and consulting that we do.
[Narrator] The new section of barrel roll track
was fitted right after the first drop.
It really changes how the coaster rides.
In this roll the center of gravity of the rider
is way down by your waist,
which means that your head whips around and
there's just like a whole lot of energy.
It's not comfortable.
It's borderline not safe.
Utterly scary.
Ooh, ooh!
[Narrator] Pemble is the only person
who has ever ridden it and he'll probably be the last.
It seemed like an incredibly good idea
at the time.
Now it's really cool to watch, it's really fun to roll
the cart over the thing.
I've ridden it once and that was plenty.
[Narrator] But if you're a crash test dummy like Todd,
remember him?
Then it's a ton of fun to ride.
So my key take away from building an inversion
into a roller coaster is if you don't study
engineering and roller coaster manufacturing,
you're just not gonna get it right the first time.
And that's okay.
We're just gonna do it again.
I think the best thing to do for this coaster
is to tear it down completely and re build it
and design it from day one with an inversion in mind.
My advice to anybody building a backyard roller coaster
go slow, do the math, be careful and know when
to no ride it.
[Narrator] And don't forget to have a Todd on hand.
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