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How This Guy Paddles Kayaks Over Massive Waterfalls

Lots of people like kayaking, and some even enjoy white water, but Rafael Ortiz takes it to another level. Rafael is obsessed with kayaking over massively steep waterfalls.

Released on 05/20/2020


[water rushing]

[Rafael] Because it's like jacked with adrenaline,

your brain, it just starts going faster, you know?

And all of a sudden you can process all these things,

and it's kind of this crazy like, slow-mo experience

where you're just slowly falling with the water.

[Narrator] Lots of people like kayaking.

And some even enjoy running whitewater.

But then there's Rafael Ortiz.

He doesn't just seek out Class Five rapids.

He heads straight for what most avoid at all costs,

massively steep waterfalls.

The tallest one he's run is 189 feet tall.

That's like paddling off the 20th floor of a building,

the Leaning Tower of Pisa, or the Cinderella Castle

at the Magic Kingdom.

I see a waterfall and I see a line.

I see like, opportunity, a new challenge, you know,

instead of just this beautiful phenomenon of nature and,

it's kind of a blessing but also a curse at the same time

'cause if it speaks to you, it's hard not to wanna do it.

Always people think I'm crazy.

And I must be crazy 'cause everybody says so.

[Narrator] Ortiz takes his death-defying stunts

to truly absurd levels, and he does it just for fun.

[Rafael] I watched a video when I was a kid

of a guy going over a waterfall on fire

and I always wanted to try it.

I feel like that's one of my weaknesses.

I always look at crazy things and in my head

I think they're gonna be easy.

I'm always very optimistic like that.

You know, when it actually comes down to doing it,

project like that, I was like, You know,

we'll just hire some professionals

and put a bunch of gasoline on me

and wear the right safety and just run,

go over a waterfall in my kayak on fire.

[Narrator] He even once traded his kayak in

for a novelty inflatable toy shaped like a lobster,

just for the pictures and the laughs.

I drove up to this 70 foot-tall waterfall,

stood over the lip, you know, just got ready.

Jumped into the water, spinning 180 degrees in the air.

Landed, controlled myself, looked down.

Big fist pump at the lip.

[Narrator] And once, Ortiz and his friends

set up a whole night shoot with giant LED lights

and a generator, just because he thought it would look cool.

[Rafael] We basically stayed in the forest

through the night till four or five in the morning,

freezing, and running this waterfall at night

with little headlamps.

Were just doing it 'cause it was cool, making it happen.

[Narrator] Ortiz's love of rivers started young.

He was rafting around eight years old

and got a kayak for his birthday when he was 14.

So, eastern Mexico, the state of Veracruz

where I learned how to kayak, just happens to be

one of the best places on the planet

for waterfall descending in kayaks.

You know, few years into my paddling career,

I realized that my backyard was perfect for waterfalls.

So I started getting into running waterfalls,

you know, without really any instruction.

I just started watching videos online,

ordering VHS tapes and seeing how these guys were going

over these waterfalls in their kayaks.

And I just started trying that in my backyard.

It wasn't pretty at the start.

I still remember the experience

running my very first tall waterfall.

It was this 40-foot drop on the Xico river in Veracruz

and it came out of the bottom, it was a big hit,

I came out seeing stars, actually broke my paddle.

Looked back at the waterfall and I was like,

This is crazy. [laughs]

And yeah, the next thing I knew, I was going all in

on this new sport that I quickly got addicted to.

You know, the first time you do it,

everything happens super quick.

But once you start doing this over and over again

and you start really kind of feeling it, you know,

you start getting better at it.

Things just start happening a little bit slower.


[Narrator] Ortiz has spent the last two decades

pushing the limits on this sport,

one that offers very little room for error.

Ortiz has seen his fair share of injuries

and has watched his friends come close to death.

Back in 2013, he was kayaking

with his friend Gerd Serrasolses in Mexico.

Serrasolses went over before Ortiz

but got swept under the falls.

[suspenseful music]

I was behind him, I went over the waterfall.

When I came out, I didn't see anyone.

As I looked down the river a little further downstream,

I saw one of my friends pulling my friend's body

out of the water, and he was completely,

just floppy, you know, he was pretty lifeless.

He was purple.

Very colorless.

He was not breathing.

Think we must have worked on him for a full three minutes

of these exhausting compressions,

just taking turns, mouth to mouth, shouting, you know,

and it was just this crazy blur.

And eventually, three minutes in, he goes [gasping]

and takes a breath.

As kayakers, because we're always in these remote places,

we have to learn how to rescue each other, you know?

As a kayaker that dedicates to pushing the limits

and facing risk on a daily basis, you know,

you always kinda question when are you gonna

finally confront death.

[Narrator] Surviving these drops requires

a lot of experience, intuition, and a locked-in technique.

Because in the end, you gotta land safely.

And that means going over the lip with the right speed

and the right form.

It all kinda comes down to two things.

One of them is speed.

More speed translates into more angle.

So more of a flat landing.

Less speed translated into more of a vertical entrance.

And then the other thing, number two,

is the stroke that you take at the lip.

You know, as you're going over,

you have to be taking one or two paddle strokes

to correct your angle.

If it's a large waterfall, anything above 40 feet,

you wanna make sure that you're as vertical as possible.

[Narrator] Instead of just free falling over the edge,

Ortiz uses the speed of the water and his paddle strokes

to position himself to land safely.

For smaller waterfalls, he wants to land

on top of the water.

Let's see, if under 40 feet, for a waterfall,

you actually wanna be coming in, ideally,

at like a 45-degree angle, and right at the lip,

I'm gonna look down, lock my landing,

but then I wanna take a pretty long steady stroke

that kinda lifts the bow of my kayak,

so that way I can kinda lock in that 45-degree angle.

If you do it right, you're able to just kinda

skim the surface and then resurface pretty quickly.

[Narrator] But for waterfalls taller than 45 feet,

he wants to go over vertically,

so when he dives into the water at the bottom,

he slices into it with as little impact as possible.

Getting that vertical position means going over the edge

with less speed, so that the front of the boat falls

and points down.

If it's a taller waterfall, once I'm in the current,

I'm actually, even like back paddling sometimes

a little bit, you know, I'm kinda way more conservative

with my speed, 'cause that, along with the stroke

that I take at the lip, is gonna define the angle.

If it's a large waterfall, anything above 40 feet,

you wanna make sure that you're as vertical as possible.

So as you're free falling,

you're not just closing your eyes and shouting.

In the end it all comes down to the impact.

So whenever you enter the water

down at the bottom of the waterfall,

you basically wanna be as aerodynamic as possible,

or aquadynamic, and you just wanna kinda

become as slim as you can.

You wanna make sure that you either throw your paddle

and hug your boat tightly, or like, I usually tuck my paddle

to the side and then I use my right arm

to protect myself and brace for impact.

If you forget about this, often you end up

taking a paddle in the face and can result in stitches,

like I've probably had more than five times

in my paddling career.

[Narrator] Then there's finding a good waterfall.

Ortiz's search has taken him around the world.

[Rafael] Thing about waterfall descending is that

every waterfall is completely different.

And in order to find that dream waterfall

that you've pictured, you have to find it.

You know, we do a lot of Google Earth, you know,

satellite imaging, looking at these rivers

that have the right amount of steepness.

Try to find information about the volume of water.

And then if everything lines up, you go explore the river

and you might get lucky and find the next huge waterfall.

[Narrator] And when he finds a good river, he studies it.

First before you go into a waterfall,

you wanna look at it from every angle.

You wanna do your due diligence and study it correctly

to make sure it's good decision to start with.

Every river is different.

There's 1000 different factors.

Every country, every area is different,

it has a different kind of rock.

So you're either talking about basalt, you know,

a rock that's like fairly crumbly

but creates these really nice waterfalls.

Or you're talking about limestone, you know,

this waterfall that's a lot more solid.

The other big ingredient into the formula is steepness,

you know, 'cause you're looking

for a certain kind of gradient

but it really relates to the amount of water.

So you're either talking about a river that

is a small trickle of water, or you're talking about,

you know, a large river that's a big beast, you know,

that comes with a lot of other factors and a lot of risks.

And before I get into my kayak I'm looking at the current

and I'm kind of visualizing myself, step number one.

I'm scouting the waterfall.

I'm studying it and I know if it's a waterfall

that I have to for sure go in vertical.

[Narrator] This isn't just a physical sport

coupled with good gear for Ortiz.

He needs to trust his intuition.

Lot of it comes down to your own experience, you know?

And your own trial and error.

Your own understanding, even, your own mindset.

Because a lot of it is mental.

There's definitely a physical aspect to it

but a lot of it is a really big mental game

'cause you're dealing with a lot of stress,

a lot of fear, all this adrenaline.

And then just kinda finding your own zen, you know?

Finding your own sweet spot where you can

kind of find that calm.

And it's kinda cool, you know, I think it's,

it's almost like a superpower, adrenaline in the end

I believe is, you know, the most powerful superpower

that we could have. [group cheering]

[Narrator] Ortiz has been kayaking professionally

for over 10 years, for companies like Red Bull

and Jackson Kayaks.

But it's not always about the competition for him.

As he's getting older, Ortiz's focus is shifting a little.

I've definitely been moving

from the really tall waterfalls

to other kinds of more creative projects.

I've also moved a lot recently

towards environmental projects.

A couple years ago I started doing river cleanups.

Feel like as kayakers we have the opportunity

for being on these beautiful rivers

and often we just find garbage, you know,

and find how human beings are slowly destroying

these beautiful natural environments.

The other aspect that I also try to help push is

avoiding and taking down dams in the world because

they basically destroy the environment.

[Narrator] Starting a family also changed his perspective.

You know, now that I have a family and,

just had a daughter a year ago and, you know,

my life is definitely getting a little more complicated

than it was, even four years ago.

'Cause all of a sudden, you know, from making decisions

100% for myself and deciding if I'm willing

to put my life in the line, thinking about myself.

Now I think about my daughter first, you know,

and if anything was to happen to myself,

it's more about her not having a dad.

So it's definitely changed me even just looking at danger,

even just standing in front of a waterfall

and looking at risk with almost different eyes.

[Narrator] But nothing will stop him from kayaking.

Even though it seems absurd to find peace

while going over a waterfall,

that's exactly why Ortiz loves it.

Once you get inside your kayak and you close it up,

you peel out into the current,

it's kinda cool because there's no way back.

You know, it kinda, fear kinda disappears

because you're so focused on the task.

And then you just kinda start flowing with the river.

You just kinda zone in into this one task.

There's nothing else in the world, problems disappear.

That's it, like, the moment.

[water rushing] [group cheering]

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