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    Mini GoPro! Hero4 Session: Full Review, Tests, Comparison Footage

    If you hate GoPro's rectangular shape, your prayers have been answered! Sort of. We took the new Hero4 Session into rivers, lakes, and surf, off cliffs and platforms, through trees and go kart courses. Our full review will tell you everything you need to know.

    Released on 07/06/2015


    (orchestral music)

    Hey guys I'm Brent Rose, tech writer and

    chum to both sharks and humans.

    I'm out here in Northern California checking out

    the new GoPro Hero 4 Session.

    (upbeat music)

    First off the Hero 4 Session is waterproof on it's

    own up to 33 feet.

    That means it doesn't require the same plastic

    waterproof housing you need for the other GoPro cameras.

    You should be fine for surfing, swimming, snorkeling

    other water sports other than scuba diving.

    Because of that the session is 50% smaller than

    the Hero 4 Silver or Black when waterproof and

    ready to mount.

    It's also 35% lighter.

    Basically if you've always dreamed of having a camera

    so small you could mount it on

    your pet mouse,

    today is your lucky day.

    It's also small enough that we're probably going

    to see it in some very interesting places in porn.


    You'll also notice that the Session takes a dramatically

    different form factor from any other GoPro of the past.

    It's a perfect little inch and a half cube

    whereas all the other GoPros were these little rectangles.

    This gives the Session some unique advantages.

    For instance, you can drop it into it's frame mount

    in pretty much any orientation.

    This means it's basically the first

    GoPro you can side-mount to things.

    Like a helmet without using an awkward

    elbow joint type mount.

    It comes with two different frames as well; standard

    and low profile.

    To test how much drag it had, I swam

    across a lake with the camera strapped

    to my back.

    And then again with it on my chest.

    I could feel the straps catching a little water

    during freestyle but nothing on the camera itself.

    And during the breast stroke, I pretty much forgot

    it was there.

    Which is impressive.

    GoPro is really trying to play up the ease

    of use with the Session.

    It has just two buttons; you press the main

    button on top, turns the

    camera on and starts recording.

    Hit it again, it stops shooting and turns off.

    I found that this saved a ton of battery life.

    And it actually lasted a lot longer than the

    Hero 4 Silver I was comparing it to

    despite it having a smaller battery.

    It takes about four seconds to turn on

    and start recording.

    Which feels like a very long time when there's

    a wave coming.

    If you long-press that same button, it'll go

    into a time lapse mode, shooting one

    pic every half second.

    (stimulating music)

    The other button in the back toggles

    wifi on and off, will display the video

    mode you've selected, and will add a highlight

    tag while you're rolling.

    Unfortunately you can't actually change the

    settings or the mode on the camera itself.

    To do that you need to pair it with your

    smartphones or a GoPro wifi remote control,

    which is sold separately.

    This kinda sucks as it's not always practical to

    have those things with you.

    Speaking of modes, it can shoot 1080p video at up to

    60 frames per second, 1440p at 30 frames a second

    and 720p at 100 frames per second.

    Some of those modes also support superview which takes

    a 4/3 ratio shot and compresses it down to a

    standard 16/9.

    This gives you a lot more of the top and

    the bottom of your frame.

    It's the mode I use for things like surfing,

    mountain biking, and snowboarding.

    Audio test, 1,2 1,2, high notes, low notes, audio test

    1,2 high notes, low notes.

    So the Session has two microphoness that are specially

    built to help them drain quickly when they get wet.

    They actually work pretty well.

    (testing audio sounds)

    What's interesting is that the price point

    is still pretty high.

    At $400, it costs the same amount as

    the Hero 4 Silver which has more resolutions

    and frame rates to choose from, a swappable

    batteries, and a built in LCD touch screen,

    which makes it really easy to use.

    So you're basically paying for the

    small form factor here.

    Unfortunately, image quality takes a major hit

    for that form factor.

    Compare it to the Hero 4 Silver and

    it's just no contest.

    Take a look at the sharpness here.

    This is the Session.

    And this is the Silver.

    Look how much more detail you can see in

    the grass in the front, the bushes

    in the middle, and the trees in the

    back in the image on the left.

    Or check out the lighting in this scene.

    This is the Session.

    And this is the Silver.

    It almost looks like they were shot on

    entirely different days.

    The Silver on the left is far brighter

    and truer to life than the Session on the right.

    Look at the colors here.

    This is the Session.

    This is the Silver.



    The image on the left has brighter, richer,

    more vibrant colors.

    For low light, the Session really cranks up the game

    which reduces a pretty noisy and very red image.

    The Silver on the other hand is a lot cleaner

    and a lot more natural looking, but

    it's also dark as hell.

    We'll leave it to you to decide which one you prefer.

    I also found that water droplets were far

    more prone to stick to the lens of the Session.

    I don't know why that is, but I definitely ended up

    with way more usable footage from the Silver.

    Finally, this shot encapsulates everything I've

    been saying about image quality.

    Let's pause it right here.

    Check out that dynamic range.

    Despite the fact that I'm back lit, the Silver has

    my face nicely exposed, while the Session

    loses it in the shadows.

    The Silver has a higher bit rate too,

    which gives you more detail and makes

    color correcting easier.

    Look at the detail on the bluff behind me

    and even up close on my wetsuit and surfboard.

    Basically, in image quality, the Silver blows

    the Session out of the water by every metric.

    And in my opinion, image quality is king.

    Considering there's no difference in price,

    there's just no way I'm going to recommend

    buying the Hero 4 Session over the Hero 4 Silver.

    If they could pack the same image quality and

    usability of the Silver into the form factor

    of the Session, they'd really have a winner.

    But for now, stick to the one that takes

    prettier pictures.

    So what do you think?

    Is this the camera you've been waiting for

    or are you more likely to go for the more powerful

    Hero 4 Silver which costs the same, or the

    even more beastly Hero 4 black, which costs

    100 bucks more?

    Let us know what you think in the comments below.

    Subscribe to Wired if you haven't already.

    And with all that being said,

    there's only one thing left to do.

    (invigorating music)


    Starring: Brent Rose
