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    Riding the New Hendo Hoverboard 2.0 Is Like Levitating the Gnar

    In 2014, startup Arx Pax made headlines with the Hendo Hoverboard. With some helpful input from Tony Hawk and others, now we have the Hendo Hoverboard 2.0, and Brent Rose just scored the first ride on it.

    Released on 03/11/2016


    (dramatic music)

    Hey, guys, I'm Brent Rose, writer and fleshy projectile.

    Today we're talking about hover boards.

    No, not these fake-ass bull (beeps) no-hovering

    fire bursting wheel having wheelie boards.

    We're talking about honest to goodness hovering

    hover boards.

    So we're here at Arx Pax in Los Gatos, California.

    We're gonna check out the brand new Hendo hover board two.

    My name is Shauna, I'm one of the engineers here

    at Arx Pax.

    We do magnetic field architecture.

    This is the original hover board that we built

    back in October of 2014.

    [Brent] This is like the board that Tony Hawk rode.

    [Shauna] This is the board.

    Tony Hawk came in, took it on the ramp.

    You want to take it for a spin?

    [Brent] I do.

    [Shauna] The only person who hasn't worn a helmet

    is Tony Hawk.

    Yeah, I am not Tony Hawk.



    Oh, this is so cool.

    Oh, yeah.

    I'm hovering, mom.

    Can I push off of you?

    And what is the remote control doing?

    Kill switch, in case you go flying off.

    Got it, okay.


    That's the original.

    As you hear, it's a little loud.

    That was one of the things we strived to improve

    at our 2.0.

    Obviously what we're standing on here

    is not your standard concrete street.

    We're on copper, yeah?

    Yes, we are standing on copper.

    There's a magnetic field that's generated in the engine.

    It's a dynamic magnetic field, which means it's changing,

    and when you put that in proximity with an electrically

    conductive material, it creates an electric circuit.

    And that electric circuit in turn creates a secondary

    magnetic field, and those two propel each other.

    And that's what creates the lift.

    Really heavy.

    It is heavy, it's very conductive.

    So this is the 2.0.

    Yes, as you can see, it's definitely a different

    form factor than the original board.

    We had some input from Tony Hawk, actually,

    about staying with the skateboard deck,

    the classic look that people are kind of familiar

    and comfortable with.

    Underneath here we got our battery pack,

    much larger and more energy dense

    so we have longer run time.

    Four engines, that's the same,

    but they're slightly different configurations.

    So they're a little bit more powerful,

    you get a little bit more lift from them.

    A little bit more efficient as well.

    [Brent] Cool.

    This one you can just push the button

    and it lifts up all by itself.

    And is it sort of more maneuverable at this point.

    Yes, we've got these skateboard tracks,

    and they're on either end.

    As you rock your weight back and forth on this deck,

    these engines are gonna move,

    and they're gonna tilt a little bit.

    So it allows you to get a little bit of input.

    So I can just basically shred the (mumbles).

    You can try.

    It's not gonna shred itself.

    Oh, yeah, it's way quieter.

    All right.

    Oh, yeah.

    I can't really steer or control myself,

    but definitely more stable than the original one.

    (upbeat music)

    Oh, yeah, this is so fun.

    Yeah, hands work pretty well for steering,

    but I feel like we could come up with something better.

    (loud whirs)

    It's not really doing much.

    There we go.

    How about we add some close lube control to this problem.

    This is our Whitebox+, it's sort of a generic embodiment

    of our technology.

    Four engines in the bottom,

    and there's a micro controller inside.

    So we're actually re-directing the magnetic fields.

    The engine's actually pivoting in those places.

    Yeah, the engines are actually actuating.

    So that magnetic field orientation to the surface here

    is changing.

    Is that something that maybe you guys were thinking about

    for the Hendo 3.0?

    Absolutely, we can take this up to something that's

    hover board size, something that's more industrial.

    Hyper loop pod perhaps?

    Perhaps, we'll see.


    Oh, it's so cute.

    Feels springy, not pushing too hard.

    Want to try?


    Small touches.

    Small touches.

    Yeah, this actually feels a lot like just flying like a

    phantom type drone.

    Yeah, good boy.

    So this is just a single engine,

    same as the ones in the Whitebox.

    And this is just to allow you to get a sense of

    what that one engine's actually doing.

    Oh, yeah, wow.

    It probably looks like I'm muscling it right now

    with my hand,

    but it's actually just the rotation of my wrist.

    It's very ouija board-ish.

    Can you use these things for like contact dead roboticists?

    You know, we should try that.

    Some people actually bought these on Kickstarter.

    Yep, yep.

    Some very lucky kid out there's like building their own

    copper skate park in their backyard right now.

    So what did we learn here today?

    Well, first of all, hover boards are awesome.

    Yeah, I couldn't carve like I would

    if I were on a snowboard,

    but we could already see how that sort of thing's possible

    just by tilting the little engine.

    And that small adjustment was able to provide more control

    and more power than that stupid leaf blower,

    which was an abject failure.

    And that brings up an interesting point.

    Most of the hyper loop designs we've seen so far

    require forced air moving a pod through a tunnel.

    According to Greg Henderson, Arx Pax's CEO,

    pound for pound their magnetic system requires

    just one quarter the amount of power

    as a fan-based system for propulsion.

    If you're looking at a system as big as a hyper loop,

    that would be a huge amount of savings,

    and it's definitely something that should be investigated.

    What do you think of all this technology?

    Let us know in the comments below.

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    With all that being said

    there's really only one thing left to do.

    (upbeat music)

    Starring: Brent Rose
