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    Movie Accent Expert Breaks Down Actors Playing Presidents

    Dialect coach Erik Singer once again takes a look at idiolects, better known as the specific way one individual speaks. This time, Erik is focusing on actors's portrayals of US presidents. How close was Josh Brolin to capturing George W. Bush in W.? Is Jay Pharoah's version of Obama true to life? Is it even possible for an actor to accurately portray George Washington? Check out more from Erik here: http://www.eriksinger.com/

    Released on 03/22/2019



    I welcome it.

    Hello. Good folks.

    China. China.

    Gonzales. Gonzales.

    Premeditated invasion.

    Hi, I'm Erik Singer.

    [Narrator] Erik is still spending his days

    being a dialect coach for film and television.

    Today, we're gonna be going through

    some different portrayals of precedence.

    I wear a suit for the occasion.

    John F. Kennedy, James Marsden, The Butler.

    The fires of discord are burning in every city

    north and south where legal remedies are not at hand.

    I think that taking on JFK

    is a thankless task for an actor.

    It's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't

    because if you go for a really perfect kind of

    uncanny impersonation of that famous, famous, famous voice.

    The fires of discord are burning in every city--

    The fires of discord are burning in every city

    north and south. North and south.

    Wow, you better get it absolutely right.

    Otherwise something's gonna be a little jarring.

    Where legal remedies are not at hand.

    Where legal remedies are not at hand.

    So some of the famous vowel sounds were there.

    Some of the cadences.

    I know your son is a freedom rider.

    A great change is at hand.

    A great change is at hand.

    I don't think its much of an attempt was made

    to find Kennedy's vocal quality.

    Giving all Americans, the right to be served

    in facilities which are open to the public.

    Giving all Americans the right to be served

    in facilities which are open to the public.

    Even if you're not going for very much,

    I think there are some basic things

    that really kind of have to be included.

    Kennedy was a non-rhodic speaker.

    He didn't pronounce r's after vowel sounds almost at all.

    Weapons of war.

    Let's right a force.

    Not because they are easy but because they are hard.

    As all paths are.

    Marsden ends up putting quite a few in.

    Sometimes they are light sometimes they're pronounced.

    But you can hear some of them here.

    Over the next four years.

    For the past two years.

    Changed his heart.

    Heart, of course, is a word that shouldn't

    have an r in it if you're a Kennedy.

    The heart, the heart, the heart of the question is--

    But in addition to that, the vowel

    that comes before the r sound,

    which is a back vowel for me, tongue is low in the back,

    uh, uh, heart.

    For Kennedy, of course, is a front vowel, ah, heart.

    The heart, the heart, the heart of the question is--

    Changed his heart.

    And I think that again is such an incredibly famous

    iconic part of this accent.

    I think it's really hard to be Kennedy without it.

    Here's Marsden.

    The fires of discord are burning in every city

    north and south.

    And here's Kennedy.

    The fires of discord are burning in every city

    north and south.

    John F. Kennedy, Greg Kinnear, The Kennedy's.

    The energy, the fame, the devotion,

    can truly like the world.

    I think he threads the needle here.

    I think this is successful and it's hard to do Kennedy.

    Can truly like the world.

    You know there's something really interesting.

    I talk a lot about oral posture.

    There's something really interesting about hesitation sound.

    Thinking sounds.

    That'll be, uh, something that we will, um

    Your mouth is gonna go to an easy place,

    a comfortable place, so that it can get to

    whatever the next sound happens to, uh,

    happens to end up being.

    Listen to Kinnear doing a John F. Kennedy

    hesitation sound here.

    I, I, I think I know how many of you feel

    my, uh,

    He nails it.

    That's what Kennedy sounded like, listen.

    I am a, uh, strong believer in

    equal pay, uh, for equal work and I think that uh,

    we ought to uh,

    We uh I think that, uh

    That'll be, uh, uh something that we will, um

    So I thought that, uh, it really would be uh

    Work to, uh.

    And there's something so valuable to getting that.

    If you can get that shape and feel in your mouth

    everything else becomes easier.

    I do not shrink form this responsibility.

    I welcome it.

    George W. Bush, Josh Brolin, W.

    We can get one democracy going and one of these places,

    Iran, Iraq, believe me.

    Regan was right.

    It's gonna spread to all these countries.

    I think this is really amazing,

    We're all proud of you.

    Let's talk about oral posture.

    Have a look at the way those lip corners are pulled back.

    The lips are kind of pressed in tightly.

    Course there's that squint.

    There's something that feels like it's set

    in a kind of resolution, right?

    Its a certainty.

    It's the, I'm the decider.

    I'm the decider.

    And he's listening, through that posture.

    The oral posture is entirely in place.

    And I think it crystallizes something

    about the internal life if the character,

    about a decision that that character has made,

    at some point, about how he wants to appear.

    And it's just right. Well, thank you for that.

    George W. Bush, Connor Trinneer, American Made.

    You're pilot?

    I've been know to fly some.

    Me too.

    International guard, 68, 69.

    It's so good.

    There's so many really great details

    from the kinda the way he's looking up

    from, you know, a lowered head,


    to those smoothed out price vowels

    and pilot Pilot.

    Nine 69.

    To that kind of abruptness that,

    you know, I'm the decider thing.

    I'm the decider.

    Me too. Me too.

    To that hard braced r in guard.

    International guard, guard.

    It's really, really good.

    See you around, Fly Boy.

    George W. Bush, Will Farrell, SNL and elsewhere.

    I believe some of his figures may be inaccurate.

    Don't mess with Texas.

    This is one that certainly got a lot better over time.

    Here's one much more recently.

    I had Cowan.

    I had Condy.

    Don't forget about my good friend Alberto Gonzales.

    Alberto Gonzales. Alberto Gonzales.

    It's a lot more specific.

    It's a lot more finely observed.

    How do you like me now?

    One thing that I'd like to point out, look at this.

    No use crying about it.

    Apparently it's what the American people want.

    You can see almost the same oral posture

    as in Josh Brolin here.

    As for those who doubted I won the election

    and who doubted my judgement.

    It's those pulled back lip corners, right?

    And those tightly held lips.


    It's that jaw that's a little bit thrust forward.

    So it's really interesting I think.

    Will Farrell is a talented impressionist.

    So even though, it's slightly exaggerated

    we see some very, very fine observations

    just like we do in a much more straight-forward and kind of

    uncanny evocation of W.

    I don't know what that means but I know it's positive.

    Barack Obama, Devon Terrell, Barry.

    You know, sometimes I feel like I wanna

    breathe in everything New York [mumbling].

    And other times it all seems like one big distraction.

    This is one of those instances

    in which, an actor makes a choice to

    evoke some how, the famous voice

    that we are really familiar with.

    A political distraction.

    A big distraction.

    Without going for some kind of uncanny impression.


    Because he's playing younger Obama,

    an Obama before we knew him.

    I'm supposed to speak on behalf of all black people.

    For a lot of kids, the doors that have been

    open to me aren't open to them.

    So what he ends up settling on are a handful of prosodic

    features to do with rhythm and intonation.

    And you can really hear that kind of

    evoking Obama here, for instance.

    My dad's been married five times between them or six.

    And I'm not even sure about my father.

    Good morning.

    Well this is not how I expected to wake up this morning.

    Just a footnote here, this is extra impressive I think.

    What's so special about me?

    Because Devon Terrell's Australian.

    Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie.

    [crowd jeering]

    I'm right handed so I had to learn how to play

    basketball left handed and write left handed.

    The accent,

    Oh that's pretty good.

    I didn't know you could do me.

    Barrack Obama, Parker Sawyers, South Side With You.

    It's not easy to get things done.

    And the founders made it that way on purpose

    so that no one law, no one government, no one man

    could decide the fate of everything and everyone.

    Sawyers is also playing a young Obama,

    and he makes a similar choice except in his case,

    I think, it's even a little bit further away,

    It's even more a little bit more just evocative.

    I was hoping he wouldn't notice.

    Again his choice seems to mostly be

    to focus on Obama's rhythm and prosody.

    And in the folks downtown,

    you got Hispanic folks,

    You got some good folks,

    And you got asian folks

    We've got some good hearted folks there.

    Indian folks. All folks.

    There's something about the way he cuts things off

    right at the end of a phrase

    sort of lets you know that it's final

    and he's moving on to the next thing.

    You can hear that really well here in,

    it wasn't an option.

    It wasn't an option.

    The first option.

    It wasn't an option.

    He's just closing it off.

    We got a heck of a lot of different people.

    All of you are the backbone.

    They are few and far between.

    We have to move forward.

    Barrack Obama, Jay Pharaoh, Saturday Night Live.

    You better bring you're Mormon magic underpants.

    And your wife's dancing horse

    cause Blondie when I play, I play for [muffled speaking].

    [upbeat dance music]

    Okay so this is for comedy. impression

    It has a different purpose so it's coming

    from a different place.

    Oh really, old man?

    It's always still built on certain accurate observations.

    It's just usually, you pick one or two or three

    and then you kind of turn the dial up on them.

    Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    And if it's good comedy impression,

    you're kind of making some sort of

    point with it nonetheless.

    In this case, I think Pharaoh is really, really, really

    fixated on and turning the dial up on

    some of those same prosodic features.

    It's that fall.

    'Merican people.

    It's that very clip thin,

    Come in here,

    He does that a lot. Nothing is getting through.

    We can you hear that characteristic fall here in

    I don't know why more offices aren't oval.

    I don't know why more offices aren't oval.

    FDR, Bill Murray, Hyde Park On Hudson.

    No one ever mentions the fact that I can't use my legs.

    It's never referred to.

    So he's dropping his r's after vowel sounds.

    Referred to. Power

    Referred to Power.

    I feel like a lot of it really just isn't there though.

    I want to apologize.

    He has very dark l sounds

    or the bunched back of the tongue.

    My legs, legs.

    As opposed to FDR's light ones.

    Your children later




    There's vowel sounds in words like honest.

    Honest. Honest.

    Honest. Honest.

    And not.

    Not. Not.

    Not. Not.

    You need to have a little bit of lip rounding.

    Because. Because.

    Because. Because.

    To get FDR.

    Let's change the subject shall we?

    Let's look at three different comedians versions of Trump.

    Now, we're gonna look at Taran Killan's Trump,

    Darrel Hammond's Trump and Jimmy Fallon's Trump.

    Here's Taran Killam.

    As the man who's almost certainly your next president

    I wanted to give you the chance

    to get to know the real Donald.

    Here's Darrel Hammond.

    Debates are stupid.

    You should be paying me

    and Will Pulitzer looks like Papa Smurf.

    Here's Fallon.

    First of all, you're all fake news.

    I hat you all very much.

    And that you for being here.

    I feel like Tara Killam is zeroed in most on oral posture

    especially those lip shapes.

    It's huge.


    Huge problem.

    Over in China.

    Somebody from China.

    They're really, really really exaggerated

    but that's kind of the thing he's hanging his impression on.

    Have a look again.

    Just great.


    Thank you darlin'.

    Thank you, darlin'.

    I got the smartest guys

    We have people that are stupid, stupid.

    I'm just like you but better.

    Darrel Hammond's doing a lot.

    I think he's got some of that posture,

    it's a little subtler.

    Jeb, you're a very nice man.

    But you're basically a little girl.

    He's really focusing in though, I think,

    on the rhythm and inflection.

    The way, sort of Trump, will kind of draw a thing out.

    We will possibly get a bad ruling.

    And now drop it down.

    And we will have a national emergency.

    And draw the whole thing out and drop it down.

    You can listen to that here.

    I'm a 43.

    And we will then be sued.

    And you're a three.

    And the night circuit.

    Jeb, you're a nice guy.

    Shouldn't be there.

    But you're a light weight.

    Whereas I think Fallon is really focused on

    trying to get the vocal quality right.

    Listen to that again.

    We made so much progress.

    In fact if you ask any American,

    they'll say that I managed to make the last four weeks

    feel like four years.

    The extraordinary progress,

    So much progress


    Winning biggly, Biggly.

    Big league. Big league.

    Big league. Big league.

    Biggly, big leagues.

    For a subtler, more multi-dimensional

    and more accurate, integrated and authentic

    version of Trump the human being.

    I think we may have to wait a while.

    George H.W Bush, James Cromwell, W.

    What are you cut out for?

    Partying, chasing tail, driving drunk?

    What do you think you are?

    A Kennedy?

    James Cromwell said something really interesting

    about his performance in this.

    He said I came to the set hidden behind

    my own characterization and Oliver attacked it.

    He made me go right to the father

    and not to my caricature of Bush.

    As an actor, you can't condescend to a character.

    It's It's critical, I made the right call.

    If you have a judgements about

    who that person is from the outside

    you can't really effectively play them.


    And I think that's what Oliver Stone

    was telling James Cromwell here.

    I came to the set hidden behind my own

    characterization and Oliver attacked it.

    And so when Oliver Stone said

    you can't play the judgment, you have to play the person

    His decision to make.

    I bet that that impression

    had to go away with that judgment.

    We all make mistakes.

    And we're ending up with something

    that evokes him very lightly,

    and some of the rhythms and things like that.

    Here's Cromwell.

    In our family, the Bush family, we honor our commitments.

    Here's the real life George H. W.Bush.

    And I feel so dedicated and strongly about it

    that I just wanted to wedge that in.

    So it's reminiscent and it evokes it.

    But more importantly, I think that choice

    allowed James Cromwell to focus on playing

    a real, round, full three dimensional person

    which is what's important.

    Appreciate your support.

    Bill Clinton, Denis Quade, The Special Relationship.

    Don't be surprised if you feel completely, totally

    overwhelmed when you do get into office.

    This is surprisingly good.

    Too good to be true.

    He has that sort of Clinton hoarseness.

    Consider our military options.

    Discuss the military options.

    But it's not just hoarseness, there's actually

    a kind of a pressed down quality in the larynx.

    We all just gotta chill a little.

    Let's chill out.

    Which he gets too which a lot of people don't

    when they're doing Clinton.

    Not on my watch.

    Lot of the vowel sounds are right.

    You can listen to that goose vowel that is fronted here.

    Right save your dues.

    Right thing to do.

    To do with you.

    And that very Arkansaw ole goat vowel here.

    Global. Global.

    Nato. Nato.

    Nato. Nato.

    So a lot of good details.

    Smart call.

    Bill Clinton-ish, John Travolta, Primary Colors.

    I don't have to tell you how hard it is

    to be looking for work.

    Hey I don't have to tell you anything about hard times.

    So I think the choice here was

    probably just to suggest Clinton.

    Mm hmm.

    There are some things that are there very strongly

    that hoarse vocal quality, again,

    probably the most famous thing about Clinton.


    I am really happy to be here.


    He does a pretty good job targeting this specifically.

    It's got that kind of pressed down feel as well.

    Just right.

    I do think he's relying on that vocal quality

    to do most of the work.

    There're a lot of accent things that aren't really in place.

    This is bad.

    Travolta's fleeced and goose vowels.

    The vowel sounds in words like me and to

    just don't sound southern at all.

    Me to. Too.

    Me too. Too.

    And I've talked a lot about the goose fronting,

    the arch of the tongue being further forward in the mouth

    oo, goose.

    Yes we do.

    So you know what I'm gonna do.

    Do. Do, do.

    Not an exact match.

    Make me look like a [beeping] amateur.

    Lyndon Bams Johnson, Bryan Cranston, All The Way.

    We're making history here, Hevrod.

    And you have to decide how you want history

    to remember you.

    And I think this is amazing.

    It's so deep in and so particularly observed.

    Or somebody who just like to hear himself talk.

    Johnson had a very bunched up back of his tongue.

    Talk. Talk.

    Talk. Talk.

    It's bunched and pulled back and so

    the tip of the tongue, as in most Texas accents,

    has to sort of curl up a little further.

    And that means that when the tongue tip need to touch

    like on a d sound,

    Sad. Sad.

    Sad. Sad.

    Or get close like on a s sound.


    It's not gonna make contact in exactly the same place

    as it might in a different American accent.

    What happens with an s sound is

    it's further away from that gum ridge

    so we get sh, sh.

    Russia won't even see it coming.

    Which is lower pitched than ss, ss.

    Russia , Russia

    Colors, colors.

    They call it hypo sibilant, sh.

    You can hear that here,

    We're just getting started, started, started, started.

    And in Johnson.

    Members of the congress, congress.

    Started, started.


    Aint that cool?

    Oh, hum-freaking no.

    George Washington, Jeff Daniels, The Crossing.

    We became a nation on the fourth of July, six months ago.

    We held out three largest cities

    Boston, New York and Philadelphia.

    I don't think there's a ton here to talk about

    in terms of vocal and speech choices.

    What do you think?

    I do think he's bumped up his formality a little bit.

    Would you specify?

    It was a kind of a precision of articulation

    and final consonants that communicates

    something that's formal.

    That superiority will their undoing.

    I think this kind of makes sense for Washington.

    We know he cared a lot about manners,

    thought they were essential.

    Welcome sir, have you eaten.

    And we do have some reports from contemporaries

    of Washington about what his voice sounded like.

    It is late but perhaps not too late.

    So I think there's more that you might be able to do here.

    Have you finished?

    FDR, Jon Voight, Pearl Harbor.

    Yesterday, December seventh, 1941,

    a date which will live in infamy.

    So he doesn't really do that singing

    through the line that sort of sustained intonation

    that you can hear at FDR here.

    A date which will live in infamy.

    A date which will live in infamy.

    At the same time a lot of the accent

    and that sort of very firm, present, vocal presence

    are really there.

    To overcome this premeditated invasion.

    To overcome this premeditated invasion.

    So if I could have adjusted one thing

    in his oral posture here, I would have love to see

    a little bit of FDR's jaw protrusion.

    His jaw is a little bit forward.

    I emphasize to you

    All of the men at the front.

    And forme that communicates, something about

    it's kind of representative of his partition background

    and even his gravitas.

    I think it might have added something.

    We have to do more.

    George Washington, Jon Voight, An American Carol.

    When you meet the Almighty Michael,

    only the truth will do.

    I think I like his FDR better.

    I feel like this a little bit one dimensional.

    Is that what you're gonna say on judgment day?

    It's like the character is serving a very

    simple function in this story.

    He's just there to be patriotic.

    I'm here to talk to you about freedom.

    And have gravitas and remind you

    of the seriousness of purpose of all of that.

    Pray for guidance in leading this nation.

    And it's kind of like the vocal delivering mirrors that.

    Without doing much else.

    I'm afraid that won't do.

    George Washington, David Morris, John Adams.

    I do not think myself equal

    to the command I am honored with.

    I think it's really clear some research went into this.

    We don't have any video or audio

    of George Washington speaking.

    We do have descriptions from contemporaries of his

    that say that he actually had a surprisingly soft

    and even high voice.

    Independence from one end of the colonies to the other.

    And also that he tended to keep his mouth closed

    of course, he famously had terrible, terrible teeth

    and when you have terrible teeth and no dentistry

    you have very bad breathe.

    Forgive me.

    So that makes a lot of sense.

    I think we can see and hear

    those things in David Morse's performance.

    Have a look at this here.

    I, George Washington, do solemnly swear

    I, George Washington, do solemnly swear

    It's a really interesting contrast to,

    Washington was a very tall man of

    absolutely commanding presence.

    And yet to have kind of just a soft spoken voice

    go along with that I think is fascinating.

    And apparently that's what the guy was actually like.

    David Morse is really doing that.

    So help me, God.

    Theodore Roosevelt, Ryan Garrety, The Alienist.

    Even if I wanted to, I cannot allow you access to the body

    as it's still in police custody.

    Let's listen to a bit of Teddy Roosevelt.

    Are the American people fit to govern themselves,

    to rule themselves, to control themselves?

    I believe they are.

    So here's Garrety as Roosevelt.

    Are you suggesting you should be allowed

    to conduct a parallel investigation?

    Now, the actor didn't have a lot of time

    to prepare before he filmed this.

    I still wish there was more of an attempt to go towards that

    kind of sing song intonation.

    Or else the would not be made at all.

    And that clipped off endings.

    [muffled speaking]

    Teddy Roosevelt was a non-rhodic speaker,

    he didn't pronounce r sounds after vowel sounds.

    You can hear that here.

    From one extreme to another, across the water.

    Whereas Gerrety pronounces the r's a lot in words like

    determined or Hrodebert, you can hear that.

    determined, determined by the corner.

    Hrodebert, Hrodebert.

    Also, Teddy Roosevelt had very lip rounded vowel sounds

    on all thought vowels.

    All, all would have gone well.

    Oo, goose vowels.

    To make their dreams come true.


    Wanted to. True.

    To, to.

    Very strongly [mumbling] very strongly defined.

    This accent for me, it sounds contemporary.

    It not only doesn't conjure up the time and the place

    it actually takes me out of the time and the place, a bit.

    [dramatic music]

    John F. Kennedy, Michael C Hall, The Crown.

    It is time for our renewal.

    A new generation of leadership.

    So Michael C Hall is a really talented accent performer.

    Order me a Roman comic, ill be there in ten.

    I think he's one of the few Americans we can see

    in a high profile show doing an English accent

    and doing it pretty well in safe.

    Jenny, it's dad again.

    Here I'm not quite sure he has it.

    Again, I think he falls into the Kennedy trap.


    I'm trying to put my finger on it.

    I think a lot of it has to do with physical tension.

    The equality of opportunity.

    So many great opportunity.

    Kennedy, we now know, was in a lot of pain

    all the time.

    I think we can see that in Michael C Hall's performance.

    I look forward to a full report.

    But it goes along with a real stiffness.

    He's kind of hyper extending his neck

    and there's a lot of tension in the face

    and around the lips.

    And John F. Kennedy, maybe because

    he worked really hard at it,

    didn't seem to have that.

    He seemed to have a kind of an ease,

    an easy grace and style.

    It's time for a new generation of leadership.

    It's time for a new generation of leadership.

    Have a look at Michael C Hall here

    and especially in the line, we cannot go at it alone.

    You can see all that tension and work.

    We cannot do it alone.

    Whereas here's Kennedy, look at the ease.

    Give me your help and your voice.

    [crowd jeering]

    Gerald Ford, Chevy Chase, Saturday Night Live.

    The day out bill now before the house of representatives

    does not address the current situation

    and I would veto it.

    This is one of my favorite impressions of all time.

    Pretty smart, hey?

    It's not an impression, he's doing literally nothing.


    He's just using physical comedy,

    to make the point that Ford was clumsy

    and I guess not that intelligent.


    I'm Gerald Ford and you're not.

    And doing nothing else.

    There's something absurd about it.

    My fellow Americans.

    I don't know.

    It just makes me giggle.

    Thank you.

    Abraham Lincoln, Kris Kristofferson, Tad.

    It's a sheep's snows apple.

    Can't say I had one since new sail days.

    Fellows sent me a barrel of them yesterday.

    I didn't think there's any real voice

    or accent work taking place here.

    I believe it is.

    I think Kris Kristofferson is really just doing himself.

    Now there you have a sound argument.

    One of the interesting things about Lincoln,

    of course, we don't have any audio recordings

    but we have descriptions from contemporaries.

    And they describe him as having had

    a surprisingly high and sort of even reedy voice.

    Which is a fascinating contrast

    with this sort of a gravitas

    and the seriousness of the pictures

    that we have and the image that we have of this guy.

    God knows, most of us are cowards at sometime or another.

    Abraham Lincoln, Gilbert Gottfried,

    A Million Ways To Die In The West.

    Hi ya' schmucks.

    For score and seven years ago, I was broke.

    Just like you!

    It's perfect.

    Dwight D-Eisenhower, Robert Duvall, Ike.

    Now there is still french battleships

    at Oran, Casablanca and Algiers.

    I think Duvall has a kind of a staccato delivery

    this very forceful thing that communicates

    something very no nonsense.

    Algiers. Eight years.

    In Algiers. years.

    Listen to that staccato delivery in,

    we're planning to land in Algeria and Morocco.

    We're planning to land in Algeria and Morocco.

    [muffled speaking] the real Eisenhower had some of that

    kind of punch but it was also counter poised

    against a sort of a flow and ease.

    You can hear that here.

    We must find some way.

    We need to gain an eternal peace for this world.

    Ronald Reagan, Alan Rickman, The Butler.

    If congress passes sanctions against South Africa

    I will be forced to veto those sanctions.


    The Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan.

    He knew how to hold the floor.

    He knew how to hold his audiences attention.

    Just show you how youthful I am,

    I intend to campaign in all 13 states.

    There's a kind of a trick,

    it came incredibly naturally to him.

    Which was, he would finish one sentence

    and then start the next sentence straight away.

    I will not make age an issue of this campaign.

    I am not going to exploit,

    And then he would pause.

    for political purposes, my opponent's

    youth and inexperience.


    So there's a kind of gathering for thought.

    There's a taking of breath.

    I can still remember my first Republican convention.

    So it involves the whole being.

    Abraham Lincoln giving a speech that

    And you can hear that Alan Rickman doing this as Reagan

    right here in this scene.

    If Congress passes this bill, I will veto it.

    Listen to the way he splits up the thoughts here

    when he says, my staff has been trying to get me to--

    My staff has been trying to get me to

    stop. Stop.

    Do you think you can help me to--

    Do you think you can help me to--

    Right, the pauses, the breaks, don't come

    at the end of the sentence.

    They come in the middle of the thought.

    So it almost brings you forward in anticipation.


    It reminds me of a story I, in case you were wondering,

    this is my way of sliding into a story.


    I think a lot of what Alan Rickman's doing for Reagan here

    is pinned on this one thing.

    I think it's incredibly successful though.

    I appreciate you help with this.

    Ronald Reagan, Tim Matheson, Killing Reagan.

    Tell them of your support for this

    tell them you believe this is an unequaled opportunity

    to make government, again, the servant of the people.

    So I think this another performance

    where the actors may be over relying a little bit on

    just a vocal quality and trying to let that do all the work.


    There're a lot of vowel sounds

    that really aren't working right.

    His vowel in out,

    I would like to walk back out.

    His vowel in you,

    You, you.

    Are very much his own goose and mouth vowels

    and very different to Reagan's versions of those vowels.

    Locked out. Back out.

    Locked out. Back out.

    You. You.

    What are you you.

    It feels a little bit like a missed opportunity.

    Shut up.

    [Narrator] [pinging] Conclusion.

    So I just have a final thought.

    You might have noticed as we went through some of these,

    there's been a change.

    Movies and TV shows that were done a couple of decades ago

    tended not to put much attention

    on the voice and speech work.

    The actors didn't even necessarily try.

    And that's really changed.

    And I think that's a really, really, really good thing.

    That this is something we're paying more attention to.

    I think we can do more but the direction's right.



    Hi it's Erik Singer again from on locations

    in Budapest, Hungary.

    If you love technique critic, you can get an early look

    at some of the next episodes in our series where

    in addition to me talking about accents and idiolects

    you can hear other experts looking at medicine,

    law an spike craft in movies and TV.

    All you have to do is download WIRED

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    Starring: Erik Singer

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