Former Army Intel Director Breaks Down Spy Satellite Scenes From Movies & TV
Released on 06/22/2021
[mysterious music]
Hi, I'm Keith Masback.
[Narrator] Keith is a former Director of Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Integration
for the U.S. Army.
Today we'll be breaking down clips
about satellites from TV and film.
Working in Tandem: Enemy of the State.
[electric beeping sounds]
Okay, satellite imagery coming through.
Roger that. Patch visual, my locations.
Give me real time imagery coverage
at lat 38 55, long 77 0 0!
First of all, I do mapping
and geospatial stuff for a living.
The fact that this guy knows the latitude
and longitude of where he is, apparently,
at any place on the earth is pretty impressive.
Roger that, only a minute on satellite visual, over.
Jack Black apparently has access to satellites
300 miles up going 17,500 miles an hour.
They're not waiting around
for Jack Black to tell them what to do.
Everybody move. He just jumped to the adjacent building.
A satellite's good for a lot of things.
It's just not responsive
in a way that you'd use for a foot chase
Air 1 be advised: Suspect heading towards front exit.
Detail: front of building on Columbia.
Copy that.
Another thing that's remarkable here
is the magnitude of this operation.
They appear to have pulled in NSA, NGA, NRO, FBI,
and the local police.
And I'll tell you short of going after someone at the level
of Osama bin Laden, you're just not going to
see an operation of this magnitude.
We were there for technical support.
Satellite Communications: Battleship
Every 24 hours our station in Hawaii will
transmit a signal to Landsat 7: our deep orbiting satellite.
So I'm amused in this scene by the mention of Landsat.
I actually personally sit on the Landsat Advisory Group.
So Landsat, while a fantastic series of satellites over time
has nothing to do with anything in this scene
because it's an earth imaging spacecraft.
It has nothing to do with communications
with other galaxies.
Our station in Hawaii will transmit a signal -
They're talking about referencing a facility
in Hawaii that does deep space tracking.
Those are radio telescopes that are there receiving
signals from outer space, generally,
much less than transmitting them.
Please prepare to bear witness to the making of history.
I think when you put it all together
there's just like a mishmash of stuff going on this scene.
And they're sort of all just jumbling it all together
in a way that really doesn't make sense.
Its a joke, right?
LIDAR: Bad Boys 2
This is Tapia's compound.
CIA hooked us up, huh?
Yeah, this LIDAR laser technology
even shows his escape tunnel.
So LIDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging,
which is the use of an active sensor
shooting out light photons.
And what it creates is a 3D depiction
that we call a point cloud.
For instance, if you're able to get a LIDAR into a window,
those photons bounce around and kind of paint the room
so you can understand the size of the room
and what things are in a room.
All super helpful as you plan an operation.
We are severely screwed if we don't blow up
this security room before we make a move.
So in this particular clip,
you can see that they've used LIDAR
perhaps from the top of the building across the street.
And they've got a great depiction of the house.
This is Tapia's compound.
Intelligence is at its best
when it's combining multiple sources.
So here you've got the infrared,
the contour mapping, and the LIDAR.
When you bring it all together
it really tells a cohesive picture.
We've got everything that we need to take this dude.
Getting it Wrong: Arrested Development
We got something, and you're going to do time for it.
Those are the pictures?
They're all over the news.
Those are balls.
I mean, this scene is certainly an example
of absolutely getting it wrong.
And at the end of the day, analysts are human,
and analysts do make mistakes.
Tobias had inadvertently photographed
himself while learning to use his camera phones.
See, this close, they always look like landscape.
Context of course is critically important.
Generally, you'd start from a very wide shot,
and then you'd zoom in to a specific area
that you're looking for something.
So you have that context to begin with.
Are you serious?
Almost always.
The Weight of a Decision: Homeland.
No other habitations within 75 meters of the target.
Well, obviously anybody inside the farmhouse
would be collateral damage.
In this scene, we see Carrie, a CIA officer,
working to assess collateral damage.
I'd feel a lot better if we weren't so blind
on such a short clock.
One of the things that I think is interesting is
her fervent desire for just a little more time
or a little more information.
In the intelligence business,
we sometimes refer to this as analysis paralysis.
We always want a little more information,
we always want one more picture, but at the end of the day
the perfect intelligence delivered one minute too
late is absolutely worthless.
We got lucky, jacked into a NATO satellite.
And that's the locations right there?
So there's a couple of problems here.
I think he refers to NATO satellites.
...jacked into a NATO satellite.
While NATO member nations have imaging satellites,
NATO itself doesn't actually control any satellites.
Another problem here: I can immediately tell
that that's not a satellite image,
that's a drone image.
And you can tell because the system
is loitering, and satellites don't loiter.
Where're the F15's?
Uh, they're buzzing the border.
They can be on the target in 60 seconds.
One thing we see across many of these movies and TV shows
is a lot of similar looking operation centers
or ground stations.
So actually I've had a longstanding personal theory
that we build our operations centers,
we build our ground stations to look like the movies.
We look at those and we think,
wow, that's what it should look like.
And then we replicate it ourselves.
Denial and deception: Billions
All the big funds are using satellite images.
How many cars are in the parking lot of Walmart
indicates how big a quarter they're going to have.
That's just really interesting because that's happening.
I don't think that people necessarily realize
that there are commercial remote sensing firms
with satellites and that companies on Wall Street
and hedge funds are taking advantage
of those types of images to make decisions about trades.
In January, 2016, Krakow's tone on China changed..
more bullish... omniscient.
The analyst says something's changed in the tone
of this person's public statements.
Let me see if what they're saying matches
what I can see from satellite images.
They knew they were being watched,
so the truck started moving.
A shell for the satellites. The factories are fake,
it's a shell to milk investors.
Denial and deception is both an art and a science.
From the time that we could see from above,
people on the ground knew that they had kind of two choices.
They could either hide: deny,
or they could attempt to deceive:
make something look different than it really is.
And that continues to this day.
This is going to be fun.
High Stakes Mission: Zero Dark Thirty
We've just crossed the border. Now entering Pakistan.
The long-term hunt for Osama bin Laden was one
of the most significant things I've ever been involved in.
[Radio chatter] [electric beeping]
So what you're seeing here is an underlying base map
foundation data that's probably being fed
by signals intelligence data beacons
from the aircraft themselves so you're able to track them.
Prince 51 is down. Prince 51 is down.
This hunt over time for Osama bin Laden was always
a very high priority for the intelligence community
and the defense department.
Thousands of satellite images were taken over time
when tips indicated that we might have a bead
on where he was located.
As the community watched this facility,
some things started to stand out.
It was a very, very secure compound.
It had 12 foot walls on one side.
There was someone who was affectionately known
as the pacer. There was someone who came
out into the walled garden and reenter the facility.
There was a suspicion among the analysts
who were working this day in and day out
that in fact, that was Osama bin Laden.
It might surprise people to know
that there was not indeed certainty
that we had in fact killed Osama bin Laden
until there were pictures
and ultimately they confirmed it with DNA testing.
Satellite Disruption: Independence Day.
Let's say that you wanted to coordinate
with spaceships on different sides of the earth
but you couldn't send a direct signal, right?
You're talking about Line of Sight.
So Line of Sight in radio communications
absolutely is a thing.
You'd need satellites to relay that signal
in order to reach each ship.
Most often, what satellite operators do
is have their satellites talk
to multiple ground stations around the earth.
I found a signal hidden inside our own satellite system.
There are certainly reasons that information
from satellites gets disrupted, it could be hardware,
or software, or firmware on the satellite itself.
And, even solar weather, space weather.
They're using our own satellites against us.
Infrared Imagery: Behind Enemy Lines.
We think the pilot transmission came from here.
[Radio chatter]
So we should stop this. Like that satellite
looked like something like you'd make out of a Lego set.
Now this is imagery
from a Northrop Grumman Relay Satellite
downlinked with a processing center in Stuttgart.
We've hot-wired it for heat-image...
The next thing that happens is that they somehow have
hot-wired a satellite that doesn't even belong to them
to use it for something it wasn't even built to do.
This isn't strictly legal, sir.
They would have lots of assets available
for a search and rescue operation.
That's very high priority.
[dramatic music]
That's Burnett?
Yes, sir.
Infrared imagery is quite valuable at night.
You can see things that are emitting heat.
You can see a vehicle which has recently been used
because you're going to be able to see
that the engine is still hot.
You wouldn't necessarily use a satellite to look
for somebody, a satellite being 300 miles away.
It's kind of tough to get the heat signature
of a single human being.
[suspenseful music] [grunting]
What's going on? He's down.
Has he been shot?
So there's some confusion in the command center here -
Why isn't he moving?
..when we see behavior that doesn't add up,
that doesn't make sense.
You know, those are indicators to us that we've got to
use a different approach to get more information
to explain what's going on.
They're right on him!
[suspenseful music]
This is a great example of where you'd want to
use everything at your disposal.
You'd be using electro-optical. You'd be using infrared.
You'd be using synthetic aperture radar.
Anything you could to pull things together to
give yourself a better picture.
I want intel on this situation.
Recognizing a Nuclear Site: The West Wing.
This picture was taken by an Sr 71
during a routine flyover in the Gulf.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs refers to the Sr 71
as taking part in a routine flyover of the Gulf.
And yes, we are interested in many areas
of the world and we are looking at many areas routinely.
This is Bushehr, and this is what it looks to me like
the early days of construction on a light water reactor.
The locations, Bushehr, actually is a site in Iran.
So that's interesting.
Light water is what's used for nuclear reactors
and the Iranians have contracted the Russians to
build them a light water reactor for that purpose.
Something that looks like the development
of a nuclear facility is certainly
going to get our attention.
I'd compare it to what you do with your physician.
The earlier you catch something, the more options
your doctors have to take care of it.
It's the same in intelligence.
The sooner I can show a decision maker
that something's happening,
the more certainty I can give them about it.
Taking a look at the image specifically,
they refer to the latitude and longitude as two numbers.
They'd probably be better off with that guy
in the alley in the Will Smith movie.
Re-tasking the Satellites, Patriot Games.
Unless authorize us to re-task those satellites
so we can get a look before they're overhead from the side,
we are never going to know which camp they're at.
There's always more requests for satellite imagery
from our spy satellites than we're able to meet.
So we make a plan to be the most efficient collection
that we can put together.
Do you have any idea how big a deal it is to
re-task those satellites?
Occasionally, high priority things disrupt that plan.
And so, we re-task those satellites to get that thing we
need that is a higher priority than what we were
planning to do.
So it's not trivial, but it's normal.
Keep at it then.
Mismatched Expectations : Archer.
You want me to look for what?
A station wagon!
Clean the impending massive heart attack out of your ears!
In this scene, we see a really interesting tension
between someone who is responsible for satellite imagery
and some people who desperately want some information.
A station wagon, in all of Texas?
It's incumbent upon those of us
who are in the satellite imaging business
to be able to explain to commanders and decision makers
and people who aren't used to using them
exactly what they can and can't do -
Hey, is that it? Where?
[gasping] No, that's not it
... because they often come in
with unrealistic expectations based on movies and TV.
Point taken! Ow!
Delivering Bad News : A Bridge Too Far.
Splendid view of the Dutch countryside.
Can't see any tanks.
Wait a moment sir. It's a lot clearer in the next picture.
The intelligence officer is showing his commander that
there were tanks where they didn't think there would be any.
Yes, I shouldn't worry about them.
But sir, you see that they are tanks!
What I think so important about this clip is the fact
that the intelligence officer has to deliver things
that he knows the commanders aren't going to want to hear.
And you seriously considering asking us to
cancel the biggest operation mounted
since D-Day because of three photographs?
It's tough to tell commanders things that don't comport
with their plan. As an intelligence officer
you're delivering things in an unbiased way
with your best judgment, and sometimes
it just isn't what the commander wants to hear.
This time the party's on.
Calculating Collateral Damage: Eye in the Sky.
If my targeteer can calculate us coming in under 50%
for collateral damage on the girl,
do you think you can get approval on your end?
Yes I do.
Decisions around calculating collateral damage
are dynamic, and they're ongoing.
If we put the payload here or here, or maybe here,
well then we could guarantee the target fatality
but we could reduce the collateral.
Certainly as an intelligence professional
you want to understand that pattern of life :
What normally happens around this house?
What happens in the neighborhood around this house?
There is a 45 to 65 percent possibility of fatality.
65 percent? Yes.
I need that calculation to be below 50 percent.
They're talking in super strict percentages here.
There is an absolute art and science to weaponeering:
to understanding the damage that a weapon
is going to cause, the angle that it's going to come in,
the amount of explosive in the weapon,
and then using tools based on imagery,
based on maps, and based on 3D models
of the facility to understand precisely
what the collateral damage is going to be.
Sergeant we need to make this work.
There's clearly a subtext here, an undertone
that the analyst is being pressured to change his call
to meet a criteria that was pre-decided.
There are many lives at risk.
These types of things can happen
and it comes down to moral courage.
It comes down to being able to stand your ground, rather
than allow people to sort of nudge or change your judgment
to fit a specific situation.
Satellite Hack : Diamonds Are Forever.
[rocket engine roaring] [electric beeping sounds]
Wait, something's happened!
In this scene, what happens is an nefarious actor,
a bad guy takes over a satellite.
Something's taken over the guidance system!
[electronic beeping noises] [suspenseful music]
It's as if it had a will of its own.
We are completely incentivized to ensure
that no one can get into the data stream,
take over the satellite, or hack it in any way.
That's critically important to us, and we work very hard
to make sure that that simply can't happen.
[dramatic music] [mechanical sounds]
[Keith chuckles]
Looked like their budget was a hundred bucks
is what it look like.
There's not a damned thing
we can do about it at the moment!
I mean, as hokey as some of the things in this scene
might be, the depiction of the satellite deployment itself
isn't really completely out of bounds.
[dramatic music continues] [wooshing sounds]
Perhaps the solar panels might not deploy until
after separation from the second stage,
if that's what it was.
But otherwise, I mean, it's sort of close.
Well, that's a neat trick.
Private Satellites : Die Another Day.
Imagine being able to grow crops the year round
bringing an end to hunger.
Imagine a second sun shining like a diamond in the sky.
In this scene, we see the bad guy here trying to replicate
the Sun, which seems like a pretty bad idea.
Let there be light. [dramatic music]
So the first thing that strikes me in this scene is
that is one massive space structure.
It took years to launch and assemble
the International Space Station. This is something
that kind of looks like it's on that scale.
You have no idea how much Icharus
is about to change your world.
Not everyone is a responsible actor in space.
Some governments are irresponsible and some corporations
are irresponsible.
So on one hand, space is big right?
Big space, little satellite.
But if there is no traffic cop, if there is no space
traffic management, if there isn't a shared idea
of what we call space domain awareness,
or space situational awareness,
there's really an opportunity...
a potential for a lot of bad stuff to happen on orbit.
Knocked out of Orbit : Austin Powers, Goldmember.
[dramatic music] [sci-fi laser sounds]
Sir, Dr. Evil's not bluffing.
One of our satellites is falling out of orbit.
When it comes to this scene,
just sticking to the satellite stuff,
what's interesting here is space is a war fighting domain,
and thus the recent creation
of the United States Space Force.
Several countries on earth have demonstrated an ability
to do ASAT anti-satellite operations.
In fact, the United States did it first by firing a missile
from a U.S. Air Force aircraft in 1985.
[sci-fi laser sounds]
You know, one thing we see a lot of
is satellite zooming through space.
They all look different.
They've all got different things bolted on
and different configurations.
But in fact, in low earth orbit, they are kind of zooming.
They're going about 18,000 miles an hour, 300 miles up.
So, they're kind of moving.
Satellite Sabotage: Space Force.
Epsilon should be passing right about now.
Oh! yeah, there's a spark.
Beautiful. Wow.
So what struck me immediately in this clip,
as General Naird is talking to his science advisor,
is that he apparently has the world's best telescope
right outside his house.
I got it.
He's able to see in incredible detail
what's happening on orbit.
Wait, is that a second spark?
[ominous music]
While looks like some silly depiction
of something happening on orbit, it's actually
not completely out of the realm of the possible.
[ominous music continues]
Space Command Commander General Dickinson
recently acknowledged that the Chinese have the capability,
potentially, to grapple another satellite with an arm.
Close-up Surveillance : Homeland.
Who's he, do we recognize him?
I think he's just a kid from the village.
Well, he's definitely spotted us.
So the type of UAV drone or remotely piloted aircraft
that's depicted here is a Predator B.
A Predator B can operate as high as 50,000 feet.
It's not particularly loud.
And in fact, you'd normally want to operate it
in a way that your adversary wouldn't know
that they were under surveillance.
As I watch this, and the idea of is this realistic,
I suppose, if there was some reason operationally
that they brought the aircraft down a little lower,
or brought it in a little closer than they might normally
do, it's possible that the young man could have heard it
or seen it and looked up in the sky.
This reminds me of a scene from Men in Black
when Agent K is sort of having a moment, keeping an eye
on his wife with some sort of surveillance activity.
The scene from Men and Black looks more
like it's something from a CCTV camera that might be on some
sort of really tall pole versus the much more
realistic depiction we saw in Homeland.
We're bulletproof on this.
Outsmarting Surveillance: Body of Lies.
[radio chatter]
[speaking Arabic]
In this scene the bad guys are understanding
that they might be under surveillance.
[radio chatter continues]
Which one do you want us to follow?
I think what's important here to understand
is something we talk about in the intelligence community is
protecting sources and methods.
We don't want people to understand what we can do,
when we can do it, and how we can do it
because that gives them an edge.
That gives them the ability to think about how
they might be able to defeat that advantage.
Real intelligence operations, they remain secret forever.
[Narrator] [bell sound] Conclusion.
I think the most important thing I'd want
to leave the audience with is to
take a look with a skeptical eye.
Think about what's actually possible.
Think about what looks like it makes sense,
because there's such a mix here
of things that are absolutely plausible
and things that are absolutely never going to happen,
and they're completely unrealistic.
Thank you, Wired.
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