Forensics Expert Examines 25 More Crime Scene Investigations From Film & TV
Released on 09/16/2019
[fabric ruffling]
Down into the victim.
[sirens blaring]
[car explodes]
Hello, my name is Matthew Steiner.
[Narrator] Matt Steiner is a senior crime scene analyst
and veteran investigator of over 22 years.
Today I'm breaking down crime scene clips
from movies and TV again.
Decomposing body, Silence of the Lambs.
[Agent] What else do you see, Starling?
Well, she's not local.
Her ears are pierced three times
and there's a glitter nail polish.
So what I did like is she starts describing the injuries
and she does a really good job
of describing a contact gunshot wound.
She then describes a star-shape, or stellate, pattern.
Star-shaped contact entrance wound.
Which is indicative of a contact wound.
They also say they're gonna flip the body over
to make it easier to fingerprint.
She'll be easier to print when we turn her over.
That's true also.
It is easier to fingerprint the body
if you turn the body over.
If you look at the way they show the arms,
they show what's called marbling,
and then that's like, part of the decomposition process
where the hemoglobin will break down
inside the blood vessels, but if we have arms
like she had where it was in that stage of marbling,
we would also see more advanced decomposition in her face.
[camera clicking]
In this scene, we see that Clarice notices something
that was in the photograph that they didn't see normally.
She's got something in her throat.
You're taking close-up photographs of something,
you'll notice more detail in that photograph
than you would with your naked eye, so this does happen.
They're used to these smells, you would never see them
with anything underneath their nose like that.
It's better just to get used to the smell.
You'll get used to it and you just will forget
about the smell, but if you try to mask it,
occasionally you'll get a whiff
that's gonna break through that Vaporub
and it's gonna be worse.
Lord, almighty.
Transient evidence, Sherlock.
[mysterious music]
In this scene, he notices very important details
about the transient nature of evidence,
things that aren't permanent.
Areas are wet, areas are dry, so you get to the crime scene,
there's a glass on the counter and it's got ice in it.
It's not gonna stay in that form,
it's gonna melt eventually.
There's no other way to capture that than to note that,
and these are all types of transient evidence
that we could encounter at a crime scene
and that's what Sherlock Holmes is all about,
is all about the devil being in the details.
Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock,
was himself a doctor and a scientist,
and was a great influence on the field of forensic science.
Most notably, he influenced Edmond Locard,
a famous French scientist who's been considered
the father of forensic science.
He came up with this exchange principle,
that there is a contact between two things, two objects,
a person and a scene, a scene and a person,
and something is transferred there, and this is
the basic founding principle of forensic science.
We're looking for what's left behind,
and this is all inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Bite mark analysis, NCIS.
Here's Ducky's muscle tissue scan,
[computer keys clicking]
a little 3D magic for clarity,
and I give you the killer's incisors.
Yeah, this is just pure television, not reality.
You wouldn't realize what you're looking at
unless you're trained in that sort of software.
It's not gonna come up with these
fun little green boxes like this.
Back in 2009, the National Academy of bet365体育赛事s
came out with a report about the validity
of certain fields in forensic science,
and one of the fields that they questioned
was bite mark analysis.
Teeth matching are like 100,000 to one.
Your skin, it's not like the molding stuff
that you would see at the dentist.
[slurred speaking]
It's not gonna leave a perfect impression, it's uneven.
There's many reasons why you wouldn't be
able to leave a perfect impression where you'd match 'em
to someone's teeth like we see in this clip.
There have been many cases where you would have
two different experts, two different odontologists,
that don't agree on the same case,
so that's why this evidence has been questioned as of late.
Well, that's great, chipper.
Robot cop, Robocop.
[foreboding music]
[computerized beeping]
So yeah, this is really cool technology,
no longer in the not too distant future.
Obviously it's not gonna be like this.
This is a movie, but we do use some of
those types of technologies that we see there.
So he's doing some sort of scanning.
At crime scenes, we use a 3D laser scan,
and that's a great way to document the scene,
the geometry of the scene as well as
taking imaging of the scene to later on
have a first-person perspective of what that scene
looked like, and it's invaluable for reconstructions.
You could bring a jury into that scene
to show what it looked like, first-person, virtually,
and just think about for training,
you have all these scenes that are now captured
and you can bring other people that weren't there
to show them how we investigated the scene.
[computerized whirring]
He then uses the camera imaging of surveillance cameras
to do photogrammetry, so the positions of the cameras
are solved and then we can figure out the position
where that car was originally.
So he then takes those two types of evidence,
pieces them together, and has this reconstruction.
[car alarm honking]
[bomb exploding]
Haunted house crime scene, Criminal Minds.
The unsub might have sustained injuries.
We should check local hospitals just in case.
If the unsub had to disarm Kim before he could attack her,
that would have been a lot more work for him.
[JJ] Yeah.
And the only obstacle this time
would have been her husband Brad.
But the unsub got the jump on him out in the hallway.
And the unsub's ability.
They say unsub a lot in this clip.
The unsub.
The unsub.
The unsub.
Or did the unsub?
The unsub's evolving.
Unsub, I think, is unknown subject
or unidentified subject.
In the 22 years of working crime scenes,
I've never heard another detective use that term.
[Luke] The unsub.
Our unsub.
This guy's the perfect unsub.
So, eventually they take a break from saying unsub
and they notice these piles of salt inside of a crime scene.
So sometimes we do see evidence
of people's supernatural beliefs
and superstitions at a crime scene.
I've seen piles of salt.
I had a case where they had a cauldron
with a human skull with liquid mercury on it.
Whether a crime scene is haunted, I've never seen that.
I've investigated over 2,000 crime scenes,
most scenes where someone died of a violent nature,
and I have yet to see a ghost or an apparition.
Crime scene contamination, No Country for Old Men.
[horses clopping]
[Sheriff] I know this truck.
Belongs to a feller named Moss.
I don't understand why they're
riding a horse through the crime scene.
[Sheriff] It's the same tire tread coming back as going,
made about the same time.
Being at the distance from the height of a horse
to look down, you could be missing things.
It could be destroying serology, it could be
destroying footwear impressions,
could be stepping on bullets and casings,
and who knows what else?
It's that Mexican brown dope.
Tommy Lee should be wearing gloves.
We don't want to touch evidence with bare hands,
especially not narcotics.
[Deputy] But you don't believe it?
Stab wound analysis, Blue Bloods.
An attacker who's 5'10 would angle more
down into the victim's sternum.
The angle on Ms. Robbins is more level,
indicating an attacker who's no more than 5'6.
This is complete horse [bleep], by the way.
Son of a bitch.
The job of the forensic pathologist
is to document wound paths, but they would never
postulate the height of the attacker.
You could be crouched, she could be standing tall,
you could be on the ground, which would all affect
the way that you're wounded, whether it's going
straight in or at an angle.
Even her demonstration on Donnie Wahlberg,
she shows even herself stabbing downward
and stabbing straight in.
The person could jump up and attack them.
There's so many variables here
that they would never estimate a killer's height.
But the depth of penetration is markedly less
than typically associated with
the upper body strength of a male.
So a shorter woman?
This is completely wrong.
Skin is what offers the greatest resistance,
not the tissue itself.
Once you breach the skin, it's relatively easy
to go to a further depth.
A pathologist would never say
that it was a woman over a man.
They mostly are concerned
with the cause and manner of death.
Fingerprinting, The Return of the Pink Panther.
[metal slamming]
[heavy blowing]
[tools rattling]
[glass rattling]
I mean, obviously this is a comedy,
but this is obviously not the right way to do it, either.
Besides the excessive amount of fingerprint powder,
then his magnifying glass failing
and falling onto the evidence,
and then blowing onto the evidence,
introducing DNA to the evidence, these are all wrong things.
He pulled himself across the floor.
Of course, he would need a very slippery floor to do that.
Therefore, the wax.
The wax?
[slamming on floor]
I have to admit, I have fallen down
at a crime scene on several occasions.
My coworkers have fallen down at crime scenes.
Even though he's not wearing personal protective equipment,
we do and the bottoms of the feet on those
personal protective equipment, those Tyvek suits,
can be very slick and you can fall down.
Are you all right?
Of course I am all right.
I am examining the wax.
Smelling of evidence, The Closer.
Guy drinks, passes out in the hot tub.
His body temperature rises and his liver explodes.
But this robe, it's soakin' wet.
She's smelling evidence, which is a good way
to document the transient type
of evidence that will be there.
So that smell may be gone hours later, days later.
What I don't like is that
she smashed her face into the towel.
That's a contamination issue.
This is a crime scene, y'all!
And it's gross.
I mean, you don't know what's on that towel to begin with.
It could have been feces, it could have been urine,
and now that's all over your face.
Lieutenant Flynn, could you do the honors
at the morgue, please?
Wake someone and.
She just took DNA from the towel,
or that could have been on the towel,
and then put that onto the toupee,
so two no-nos right there.
I need this hurried through SID
in about two shakes of a lamb's tail.
Shaking of the toupee is a no-no.
There could be DNA on there, and by you shaking it
you could be losing that,
and plus you're contaminating somebody else
by them getting hit in the face
with whatever was on that toupee.
Thank you.
Thank you, lieutenant.
Death investigation, Sherlock.
[foreboding music]
[camera clicks]
Mmm, suicide is pretty common among city boys.
We don't know that it was suicide.
[camera clicks]
Come on, the door was locked from the inside.
You'd have to climb down the balcony.
During this scene, we actually have a homicide
that's being posed as a suicide.
You've got a solution that you like,
but you're choosing to ignore anything
you see that doesn't comply with it.
I like what Sherlock says here,
that you're just taking some of the evidence
and basing your theories on that
and ignoring all the other evidence.
So in this case, he uses deductive reasoning
to come up with the handedness of our victim.
[Detective] Like?
The wounds on the right side of his hand.
[Detective] And?
Van Coumer's left-handed.
Requires quite a bit of contortion.
Normally, the easiest way to figure out the handedness
of somebody is just asking the family, friends,
coworkers or somebody that would know
whether he was left-handed or not.
Coffee table on the left hand side.
Coffee mug handle pointing to the left.
We'd then want to look at other evidence
that could be supporting that
it's a homicide, not a suicide.
Some people are ambidextrous,
some people have cross-dominance.
While they prefer to do certain actions with certain hands,
there are plenty of people that are left-handed
that shoot guns with their right hand.
He's also ignoring that fact.
You'll finally asking the right questions.
Tasting evidence, Bones.
Bones, bones.
Get it?
What are you doing?
Yeah, yuck, you would never want
to put evidence in your mouth.
So you don't lick bones.
Who licks bones?
It's been in Russia.
It's human.
Forensic anthropolgists, just by looking at it,
would know that it was human by its shape
and by knowing what that looks like versus a dog bone
versus a chicken bone.
Burned body, CSI: Miami.
[fire sizzling]
There's a shiny residue on it.
There could be traces of hydrocarbon.
We use the miniRAE to detect the hydrocarbons
he left behind and find his point of origin.
It's a great idea.
We see them using a miniRAE, which is
a version of the multiRAE, which is a VOC detector,
to detect hydrocarbons.
She's kind of waving it around like a divining rod,
and that's not the proper way to use it.
First off, you want to be closest to the surface
that you suspect the accelerant to be on.
So she'd have to be lower to the ground
to really detect anything significant.
[Calleigh] This is definitely our point of origin.
I think it was an excuse for them
to use some cool tech like the miniRAE,
but a real life crime scene, you would do a search
and in that search you would have found
a large burn pool in the parking lot.
Illegal DNA collection, Luther.
[tense music]
[tense music]
So that's a really interesting, yet very illegal way
to get DNA from somebody.
The fruits of the poisonous tree refers to
evidence that's obtained illegally.
The metaphor is that the tree,
being the source of the evidence, if that is tainted,
anything that comes from the way
that you collect that evidence,
is also tainted, so the fruit.
Most commonly, we'll get DNA from somebody
through consent or a court order.
Another way to get DNA from somebody
is through what's called an abandonment sample.
This is where investigators will collect things
that are discarded by a suspect.
That could be a can of soda, a cigarette butt
that was willingly left behind.
Sometimes this takes a lot of work.
Sometimes investigators have to follow somebody around
for weeks at a time, waiting for them
to spit on the sidewalk or to drop some trash.
Even though it may be tempting to get evidence in this way,
you don't want to lose that case by doing something stupid,
like collecting evidence in an illegal way.
Not exactly what it feels like.
Returning to the crime scene, Red Dragon.
[crickets chirping]
Where's the dog?
No one heard barking.
There's nothing about it in the case file.
[recorder clicking]
[tense music]
[knife scratching]
So what I really like about this is that
they show a crime scene that's properly safeguarded.
Even on the door they have a door seal.
That door has a broken window that they have
put a piece of cardboard and secured
that cardboard with evidence tape.
This is what you would want to see
when you went to a crime scene, especially if you went back.
You want to make sure you're the one
that's breaking the seal of that door
to make sure that there's continuity inside the crime scene,
that if you collect evidence now,
that it wasn't placed by somebody else
coming into the scene afterwards.
The one little misstep I see is,
that nothing is processed for fingerprints.
That whole path of him going up the stairs,
those walls would be covered with fingerprint powder.
[foreboding music]
[shrill violin notes]
What we see here is the set designer's attempt
at creating arterial spatter on the wall.
Those are those arcing patterns that we see.
They don't look very realistic, but the mechanism
that's used to create them is very difficult to replicate
so I understand why it doesn't look perfect.
Other patterns that they got right though
was those drag marks, and that's definitely
important types of bloodstain patterns
that we want to look at.
We want to look at the direction in which
those drag patterns are going, and we can tell that
by the feathering of the blood
as it's moving in a certain direction.
He dragged the bodies into the master bedroom.
We see another pattern that's interesting
to me on the mirror.
It didn't look like they sampled those bloodstains.
Once it's dried, we're gonna take a swab of some sort,
we're gonna hydrate that swab with distilled water,
and then we're gonna swab as much of that stain as possible
or at least a section of it.
You would see lines through it
where the person was sampling.
I didn't see that here.
It's possible that it did it, but I don't think so.
The children were still in their beds when they were shot,
which might indicate that he used a silencer.
That's a possibility, but one of many possibilities.
We see a lot of times in TVs and movies
people using silencers, but in real life we rarely see them.
This is crime scene theory, Fargo.
[Lou] Margie, thought you might need a little warmup.
You shouldn't drink coffee at a crime scene,
or any sort of beverage, really.
Aww, geez.
Here's the second one!
The biggest contaminant to a crime scene
is the people that go into it, the investigators themselves.
It's in the head and the hand there.
I guess that's a defensive wound.
At a scene, we may act things out,
the biomechanics of the way things could happen
like that or like that or like this.
We got a shooting, these folks drive by,
there's a high speed pursuit, ends here,
and then this execution-type deal.
She definitely came to conclusions way too quickly.
There's a lot to take in, and she didn't even go look
at the other victim that was down the road, the trooper.
Let's go take a look at that trooper.
To figure out sequencing, you have to look at everything,
a more detailed look at it
before you just come to a snap decision.
[Lou] See something down there, chief?
[Marge] No, I just think I'm gonna barf.
Suspect lineup, Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
I heard him.
He was singing along to the music at the bar.
Do you remember what he was singing?
I think it was that song, I Want It That Way.
Backstreet Boys, I'm familiar.
Number one, could you please sing the opening
to I Want It That Way?
♪ You are my fire ♪
Forensic phonestic analysis usually
is involved with recorded audio evidence,
not so much this in-person audio lineup.
♪ Tell me why ♪
♪ Ain't nothing but a heartache ♪
Most experts will say that you can't
uniquely identify someone by their voice.
♪ I never wanna hear you say ♪
This is obviously for comedy purposes.
Number five killed my brother.
Oh my god, I forgot about that part.
Fingerprint database, Person of Interest.
What the computer's looking at
is different points of identification.
[Analyst] Wow, wow.
So if you look at your fingerprints,
anywhere that your lines of your fingerprint come apart,
they come together, create islands, they start, they stop,
these are all points of identification.
Your guy's prints were found
in half a dozen crime scenes over the years.
And when they do have a match,
it could be a match to several different possibilities.
Who you got down there, Carter?
And then the investigator themself
has to go through each one and include or exclude
who it actually is, and then finally any results,
any sort of identification that's made,
has to be verified by someone else
that's independent and objective in the case.
Crime scene cleanup, The Simpsons.
I've never seen an angel dust-for-guns swap go so wrong.
Hey, a mess is a mess.
Normally, it would be more than one person
that would be tasked to clean up the scene.
All right, get some paper towels, boys.
And to clean up and dispose of that biohazardous waste,
you need multiple people as well.
Let me start with this filthy crime scene tape.
Eating at a crime scene, NCIS.
Are you eating at a crime scene?
Okay, first off, Mom, I'm wearing gloves.
Deeks, people died here.
They're just in the beginning
of this crime scene investigation.
He may be sitting at a desk that the suspect was at.
Maybe there's important evidence that's there.
No, I'm wearing gloves.
So, even if he's wearing gloves,
and that's weird to be eating food
with wearing gloves like that.
I guess you could do that,
but you still have that, whatever that grease is
from those potato chips.
And they're delicious.
And you're transferring it to that area
that you're working in.
Gimme some.
And again, that could be an important area
that they find out later on that the suspect was at.
Don't eat the whole bag, I'm.
We found something.
Too many people at a crime scene, Hot Fuzz.
[intense music]
[alarm buzzing]
There are way too many people inside this crime scene.
[Janine] Hello?
You wouldn't answer your phones inside the scene.
You don't want things from your phones to get into the scene,
and you don't want things from the scene
to get into your phones.
[Janine] Nicholas, what do you want?
Well, I have something important to tell you,
and I didn't want to do it over the, phones.
This clip shows some good things and some bad things.
They're wearing not only just the Tyvek suit and gloves.
They have masks on, they have eye protection on.
Then Simon Pegg goes to the scene,
he's not wearing anything.
They probably would not have allowed
Simon Pegg to enter that scene
without wearing personal protective equipment.
Janine, I've been transferred.
I'm moving away for a while.
[Crime Tech] I'm not Janine.
[throat clearing]
Taking money from a scene, Training Day.
[claps hands]
[Alonzo] That's a quarter million dollars
you're holding right there in your hand.
Buy your wife a minivan with that,
put the kids through college, give me that bag.
Nah, you know.
The only checks I cash say LAPD on 'em, right?
[Alonzo] Matt, you don't want a piece of this, huh?
Well, I, no, right?
I'm with Ethan Hawke on this one.
It's not worth it.
It's not worth throwing your life away.
No one wants to go to jail.
Large sums of money found at a crime scene,
it has to be documented and usually it's in the presence
of some sort of supervision.
First time, you're not comfortable.
I'll hold it for ya.
In police departments, there usually is
some sort of entity that does internal investigations,
and part of that is doing integrity testing as well.
Don't touch a thing, evidence.
Testing a theory, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
May I tell you what I think happened?
All righty, then.
[upbeat music]
Roger Podacter went out after work.
He had a few drinks and he came home, but he wasn't alone.
So there's way too many people here.
When you establish a crime scene,
you maintain what's called a crime scene log.
It tracks everyone that comes into that scene,
everyone that leaves that scene,
and unfortunately that includes pet detectives.
This woman is Roger Podacter's neighbor.
She lives across the hall.
She said she heard a scream.
Is that right, ma'am?
And even if it was a witness that was inside the scene
at the time, we want to remove them from the scene.
You said you had to open the balcony door
when you keyed into the room?
Yeah, that's true.
He would have been brought
to a police facility for an interview.
What's the point, Ventura?
In this case, the neighbor hears something
and then Ace comes up with a theory as to
the position of the door during the time of the event.
There's no way that neighbor could have heard
Podacter's scream on the way down with that door shut.
And then relating that to someone coming afterwards
and saying that the door was shut,
disproving that it was a suicide.
The scream she heard came from inside this apartment
before he was thrown over the balcony
and the murderer closed the door before he left.
But we would record that,
and we would probably be a little more professional
than singing and screaming and opening a door open and shut.
Yes, yes!
Prints in snow, Wind River.
Why would a teenage girl be out here?
All I know is what the tracks say.
Well, that's all we got.
Well, come here, I'll show you.
See this one, see how the toe's turned out?
Footwear is probably one of the most
overlooked types of evidence at a crime scene.
The interpretation that Jeremy Renner does here
is he's looking at, first off, the orientation
of the shoe wear impressions and he's interpreting,
first off, the direction and that's very simple
by looking at the way that the heel and toe are oriented,
and then he's interpreting,
which sometimes could be a little more harder to discern,
is that she was running.
[Cory] The front is much deeper than the back.
That says she's running.
So this is kind of questionable,
to say that exactly she was running.
If you were carrying something,
that also would change the depth
of your shoe wear impressions,
and that also could do with the density of the snow.
She ran until she dropped here.
See the pool of blood.
But you'd have to look at multiple shoe wear impressions.
First off, it's got to be photographed.
We'd coat it with several layers of snowprint wax.
This is an aerosolized wax that will spray on snow
that has impressions on it, and normally
that even gives us some more contrast,
so we may photograph it again,
and then the last step is to cast it
by using some sort of impression casting material.
Dead body in a freezer, Goodfellas.
[jubilant music]
Yeah, I've had cases where it was Mafia hits.
It's funny how sometimes it's cliche.
The victim was wearing a tracksuit
and looks just exactly like he would on TV.
[Henry] He was frozen so stiff, it took them
two days to thaw him out for the autopsy.
Frankie Carbone would take two days
to thaw out before autopsy, isn't unusual.
It may even take up to a week,
depending on how they thaw out the body.
We've also seen criminals that use this
to hide the time of death, so one that I can think of
offhand is Richard Kuklinski,
who was nicknamed the Iceman Killer.
He would store his dead bodies, the people that he killed,
that he murdered, that he assassinated,
in an industrial freezer and then dump them
at later periods of time in different areas
to confuse the police as to the time of death.
So having bodies frozen solid isn't rare.
Actually it happens quite a bit
in the colder states here in America.
Another hair analysis scene, Castle.
Long blonde hair.
This could have come from one of the women
at the bachelorette party.
That's what I thought, until I had it tested.
Came back positive for testosterone and anabolic steroids.
Your blondie is a man.
[tense music]
Couldn't it be that it's a woman
that's taking testosterone and anabolic steroids
and that would show up in her hair?
One time, they would analyze hair and it would say gender.
They would say race, they would even match a hair
from a crime scene to a suspect.
Today, they no longer do those things.
They'll take a hair and they'll analyze it
for suitability for DNA.
Other things they could tell about a hair
is whether it's chemically treated, whether it was burned,
how it was removed, the stage of development
that hair is in, the somatic origin of that hair,
whether it came from your head, from your eyelash,
from your pubic hair.
Those are things they can tell,
but not whether it's a man or a woman.
So the public's perception on what forensics is
and what crime scene investigators do
is often built on these types of shows.
This attention that the public now has,
this fascination that they have with true crime
and with crime scene type of shows
is good because when people go and they testify to cases,
they have a touchstone, they know something
about this sort of evidence because they like these shows.
I don't expect Hollywood to always get it right,
but it's interesting to see it when they get it wrong.
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Fight Master Breaks Down Sword Fighting From Film & TV
Former US Air Force Fighter Pilot Breaks Down 12 Fighter Pilot Scenes From Film & TV
Retired FBI Agent Breaks Down Surveillance Scenes From Film & TV
Conductor Breaks Down Orchestra Scenes From Film & TV
Hacker Breaks Down Hacking Scenes From Movies & TV
Former Army Intel Director Breaks Down Spy Satellite Scenes From Movies & TV
Surgeon Breaks Down 16 Medical Scenes From Film & TV
Bug Expert Breaks Down Bug Scenes From Movies & TV
Mortician Breaks Down Dead Body Scenes From Movies & TV
Aquanaut Breaks Down Ocean Exploration Scenes From Movies & TV
Chemist Breaks Down 22 Chemistry Scenes From Movies & TV
Military Historian Breaks Down Medievals Weapons in Video Games
Hacker Breaks Down 26 Hacking Scenes From Movies & TV
"2034" Co-Authors Break Down Warfare Scenes From Film & TV