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    Scientist Explains How She Captured Rare Footage of a Giant Squid

    Dr. Edith Widder and a team of scientists captured the first footage of a live giant squid in U.S. waters. WIRED's Matt Simon spoke with Widder to learn the story behind the video.

    Released on 07/19/2019


    [Narrator] From 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

    to the tales of the mythical Kraken,

    the giant squid has long loomed large

    in the popular imagination.

    But for actual science, the creature has eluded us.

    We only really know about it from specimens

    that have washed ashore or have been caught in nets.

    Until now.

    For the second time ever

    and for the first time in U.S. waters,

    researchers have captured a giant squid on camera.

    So, how do they do it?

    And what does this mean for our understanding

    of this mysterious creature?

    To find out, we are speaking to one

    of the expedition's leaders, Dr. Edith Widder.

    She's also the one responsible

    for developing the technology that made this all possible.

    So this is obviously a very elusive creature.

    I was wondering if you could walk us through

    what exactly science does know so far about this animal

    that has been very difficult to actually spot in the wild?

    So for the longest time, what we knew about giant squid

    was based on the dead specimens that floated to the surface.

    But seeing on in its natural habitat

    became what was called the holy grail

    of natural history cinematography.

    And I had been saying for some time

    that I think we need to try exploring the deep ocean

    in a different way.

    The primary way we know about life in the ocean

    is we drag nets behind ships.

    And I defy you to name any other branch of science

    that still depends on hundreds of year old technology.

    It's an axiom among marine scientists

    that nets only capture the slow, the stupid, and the greedy.

    And so how much are we missing?

    And if we go down with submersibles

    and remote operated vehicles they have really bright lights

    and sometimes very noisy thrusters

    and any sensible animal is gonna get out of the way.

    And so I wanted a different way to explore

    and started trying to develop a camera system

    that could see without being seen.

    And so I developed this optical lure

    that we call the electronic jelly fish or e-jelly

    that imitates certain bioluminescent displays

    that I thought might be attractive to large predators.

    And sure enough, it was.

    Can you tell us more about the e-jelly?

    What kind of organism is it mimicking

    and how is it doing so?

    [Edith] It's a bunch of blue LEDs

    that are embedded in epoxy.

    And they're imitating the display of a jelly fish

    that when it is caught in the clutches of a predator

    it produces this pinwheel of light

    that is meant as a scream for help.

    And it's called a bioluminescent burglar alarm

    because it functions very much like

    the burglar alarm on your car.

    The blaring horn and flashing lights

    are meant to attract attention, hopefully the police,

    and cause the burglar to run away

    because he doesn't want to get caught.

    Well the same thing is true for a lot of animals

    in the ocean that can make light.

    That if they're caught in the clutches of a predator

    they may use every light organ they've got

    in the flashiest way possible, pun intended,

    to attract the attention of a larger predator.

    How do we now understand the future

    better than we used to?

    [Edith] It's very clear that this is an active

    visual predator.

    You see this giant squid surfing along the side

    the camera and the electronic jelly fish.

    It's tracking exactly what the camera is doing.

    So it's clearly a visual predator.

    It watches it for a while and then comes in for the attack.

    Obviously this would be an exciting discovery,

    somewhat memorable.

    What was it like out there on the high seas?

    It was actually probably the most unusual day at sea

    I've ever had.

    I was doing this project in collaboration with

    Nathan Robinson.

    The video is collected over a 24 to 30 hour period

    by the camera system.

    And we don't know what we've got until we collect the camera

    and download it.

    It takes many hours to download the data.

    And then many more hours to go through it.

    And Nate was going through it in the lab

    he came in and he didn't even say anything.

    His eyes were just about popping out of his head.

    I knew it was something important

    and I came running into the lab and there it was.

    This giant squid coming out of the bloom

    attacking the e-jelly.

    And it was incredible.

    And then others from around the ship came running around

    to see it and we wanted to confirm

    before we shared it with the world

    that it really was a giant squid.

    And so we wanted to connect with the Smithsonian

    but the internet was down

    'cause we were in the middle of a squall.

    And as we were sill all around the computer

    watching this loop over and over again

    the ship got hit by lightning

    which has never happened to me

    in all my years of going to sea.

    Ran out onto the fantail and there was this plume

    of yellow and brown smoke

    and bits of antenna on the deck.

    It had hit the antenna on the ship.

    We all thought at the same moment,

    oh my god what about the computer?

    Because we hadn't backed up the video yet,

    we'd just gotten it.

    And what a disaster that would've been.

    But we ran in and our laptop that this was on was okay.

    Some of the other computers actually did get zapped.

    And then even as we were still kind of processing

    all of this, still didn't have internet,

    the captain comes down and tells us

    that there's a water spout forming off of our port bow.

    And so it really felt like Poseidon

    was trying to protect his secrets.

    But eventually we did get the internet back up

    and we were able to send the video to Mike Vecchione

    at the Smithsonian and he was able to confirm

    that yes, in all likelihood as much as he was willing

    to put his reputation on the line,

    it was a giant squid.

    It was probably a juvenile.

    With the mantle and the arms it was probably

    about 12 feet long.

    If the tentacles were fully extended

    it would be even longer than that.

    With a typical adult, as far as we know

    they can get as tall as a four story building.

    It sounds like scene out of

    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

    You've got a giant cephalopod and angry seas

    all coming together in some high drama.

    Yeah I think Jules Verne would've approved.

    So up until this point

    why has it been that we haven't really seen

    much of these giant squid?

    Especially alive out in the wild?

    We've actually explored very little of

    what is the largest habitat on the planet,

    the open ocean.

    Mostly we know about what lives there

    by dragging nets.

    But visits with submersibles and remote operated vehicles

    are few and far between.

    And when you think in terms of the volume

    that we're talking about,

    this is an enormous volume.

    More than 99.9% of the biosesphere

    the living space on the planet is in the water.

    And we've just barely, barely glimpsed the life down there.

    And maybe a creature like the giant squid

    this science fiction creature which is a head

    with arms and tentacles whipping out of it

    and a beak that can rip flesh

    and eyes the size of a dinner plate

    and three hearts that can pump blue blood.

    I mean, it doesn't get any better than that.

    And if that would excite the public's interest

    which it seems to have done,

    then that's awesome.

    Thank you for chatting with us today.

    We appreciate it.

    I was glad to do it.

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