Channing Tatum as a Douchey Elf? No Thanks, “Jupiter Ascending”
Released on 02/03/2015
Channing Tatum, what were you thinking?
This look says, I am the douchiest elf
in all of middle earth.
Wait, wait, I have more disses for Channing Tatum.
He looks like Link from Twilight Princess
if he OD'd on HGH.
He looks like a level 63 Blood Elf
who moonlights at Chippendales.
He looks like Peter Pan with several extra Y chromosomes.
He looks like a version of Spock from a parallel
universe where everyone is fabulous.
He looks like a Yuuzhan Vong's profile picture on Grindr.
I asses the new movie Jupiter Ascending
on this week's episode of Angry Nerd.
First, your comments.
I asked you what you thought
of the Jupiter Ascending trailer.
The kindest comment was that it looked like a ripoff
of the indie RPG, Stars Without Number.
Most comments just bagged on Tatum's ears
and his apparent use of eyeliner.
Good call, Buddy Smith, he does look kind of like
Mugatu in Zoolander.
He's absolutely right.
The Wachowskis' new movie is a target-rich environment.
For starters, the protagonist is named Jupiter Jones?
What, is he a distant cousin of Pluto Nash?
But what really broils my bantha is that the movie
is about a janitor whose genetic signature proves
that she's a descendant of galactic rulers.
I hate this strain of sci-fi stories in which the
characters are fated to succeed.
Now, predestination isn't a new storytelling crutch,
but it's lazy, it's positively futile,
it's un-American.
Heroism is about smarts and adaptability with maybe
some bravery and self-sacrifice thrown in.
But, fate or kismet, no thank you.
This kind of thing reduces an epic saga to a silly
schoolboy's daydream that he'd one day develop
mutant powers, and then he'd teach a lesson to
all the bullies who mocked his Jean-Luc Picard
lunchbox, and force him to call home in tears
and say, mommy, I don't want to go to college anymore!
Which happened to a friend of mine.
Lana and Andy Wachowski, you don't return my text
messages, but hear me out.
While you're working on your upcoming Netflix show,
Sense8, try to make sure that the characters aren't
already a lock to save the world in the pilot episode.
In fact, maybe do away with the characters altogether.
You know, like you did in Speed Racer.
Which movie hero do you think had an unfair advantage
over their foes?
Let me know in the comments and subscribe to
the WIRED channel.
Also, you are predestined to click on my other videos
that are over here to my left and your right.
Like them, add comments to each of them,
do it, fulfill your galactic destiny!
Starring: Chris Baker
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Channing Tatum as a Douchey Elf? No Thanks, “Jupiter Ascending”
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