Why "50 Shades of Grey" Matters to Fanfic
Released on 02/10/2015
Today, I wanna talk about a new movie based on.
His voice is warm and husky
like dark melted chocolate fudge caramel or something.
The new movie Fifty Shades of Grey
is based on an insanely popular book franchise
that started life as a piece of erotic Twilight fan fiction.
The author envisioned hunky vampires
in naughty bondage scenarioses
and her work became so popular
that she went back and altered names
so she could sell her stories without getting sued.
I asked you what you thought of Fifty Shades
and none of you would admit to having read it.
Come on, fess up.
I won't judge.
Fanfic is actually a vitally important part of geek culture
and it's really having a moment now.
Amazon's Kindle Worlds is officially publishing
licensed fanfic based on everything from Vampire Diaries
to Vonnegut.
An epic piece of One Direction fanfic
was just optioned for a book and a possible movie.
It's easy to dismiss fanfic as the work of obsessives
eager to imagine popular characters in sexy situations
but the key component
is fans passionately engaging with the work
and digging more deeply into fictional worlds
than their creators ever did.
One of the best sci-fi novels I read recently,
John Scalzi's Redshirts
was a tongue-in-cheek piece of Star Trek fanfic.
Heck, James Joyce's Ulysses was a Homer fanfic.
It shouldn't surprise us that these works
are making it to the big screen
because these days, Hollywood's all about
cranking out these loving homages
that play like their 100 million dollar pieces of fanfic.
J.J. Abrams is essentially making Star Trek fanfic
revisiting and reimagining classic scenarioses
from the original films.
Super 8 was Abram's Spielberg fanfic
mixing elements of E.T. and Close Encounters
and what could possibly be more fanfic
even dreaming up an even more badass lightsaber
with a crossguard?
Pacific Rim is like the ultimate Kaiju fanfic.
Come to think of it, so was the latest Godzilla.
Jason Segel made a Muppet fanfic.
Chris Rock made a Woody Allen fanfic
and Woody Allen's top grossing film ever
was a Mary Sue story about a cultured guy like Woody Allen
who gets to hang out with Hemingway
and dictate the plot of Exterminating Angel to Bunuel.
Franchise reboots like Fast Five
play like fanfic odes to earlier installments.
The Expendables is Stallone doing Stallone fanfic.
Wolf of Wall Street is like the ultimate Scorsese fanfic.
Now, you can grumble about the lack of originality
but see, I like most of these movies.
I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing.
What do you think?
Is Hollywood spending too much time
paying tribute to past creations?
Let me know in the comments.
I also invite you to write Angry Nerd fanfic.
Not the dirty kind.
Write about how when I'm not a mild mannered web ranter,
I'm off fighting crime with my new ridiculing power.
I need a superhero name.
The Tongue Lasher.
No, that sounds like dirty fanfic.
I don't really wanna see or read Fifty Shades of Grey
but I'm glad it's creating more space for fanfic
in the public imagination.
It also may help me sell my completely original story
about the sensual interstellar smuggler, Hands So Slow
and his burning passion for his hirsute lady co-pilot,
What fanfic storyline would you like to see
turned into a movie?
Let me know in the comments as long as it's PG rated.
I don't wanna hear about Kirk getting down with Spock.
Click on my other videos to the right
and subscribe to the Wired channel.
Hey, maybe I'll write a fanfic
about how these tiny versions of me are my trusty sidekicks.
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