DreamWorks’ New Film “Home” Combines the Worst in CGI Alien Design
Released on 03/24/2015
The new Dreamworks movie, Home,
commits all of the worst sins of animated alien design.
I explain how on this week's episode of Angry Nerd.
First, your comments.
Spencer Whiteway says Beetlejuice 2 is confirmed,
what do you think about that?
Spencer I think I've been hurt too many times
to believe it until I see a trailer.
Michael Keaton confirms that he'd love
to do a sequel someday maybe.
Tim Burton confirms that he's kicking around
script ideas or something.
Stop teasing us.
So, by all rights, I should love Home.
The kids book that it's based on is a hoot.
Steve Martin lends his voice
and the Director has done some great animated comedies.
But here's the thing, I hate the look of the aliens in Home.
Hate, hate, hate.
They are squat purple slabs with no sharp edges
and no interesting features.
Like so many CG aliens in all ages cartoon films
they are designed to look cuddly and non-threatening
but they end up looking like boring CAD-designed blob-jects.
I mean, just look at Home, Escape from Planet Earth,
Planet 51, Battle for Terror,
also why are they always green, or purple or blue?
See, Toy Story's cute simple aliens were funny
because they were so generic and indistinguishable.
A stranger.
From the outside.
[Crowd] Ooooh.
Imagine if those alien characters were expected
to carry a feature film, it's like the film-makers
are trying to make their alien life-forms appealing
and non-threatening, like ET was, but they seem to have
forgotten that ET is actually kind of squeaky and horrifying
when you first seem him.
See her, see it?
Does ET have a gender?
Where's the H.R. Giger of cute,
kid-friendly extraterrestrials?
The worst CG animated film ever,
by several light years in a parsec is Mars Needs Moms,
and its problems are all down
to its god-awful alien design.
Oh come on.
Look, at, what were they...?
As cute, kid-friendly characters they fail
but they manage to loop around to the other
end of the spectrum and become really disturbing.
Disney, slap those characters in a horror movie
and maybe you can make back
some of the tens of millions that movie lost.
You know what animated alien strikes a perfect balance
between cute and other-worldly and menacing?
Now why is it still so much harder to do that with
warehouse size render farms than with a paper and pencil?
What's your least favorite movie alien design?
Let me know in the comments,
subscribe to the Wired channel.
Watch these other videos over there with me in them,
my other rants.
Oh, stop causing time paradoxes.
How many times have I gotta tell you?
You're going to make the universe
fold in on itself you dimwit.
Starring: Chris Baker
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