The New Cinderella is Giving Angry Nerd Déjà Vu
Released on 03/10/2015
If the shoe fits, wear it.
I take apart the new Cinderella
on this week's episode of Angry Nerd.
(train whistle blows)
First, your comments.
Rodney Funderburrk writes,
can you make a video about whether
books or movies are better for franchises
like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Twilight?
Rodney, books and movies are two totally different mediums,
and each are good in their own ways.
Except for Twilight.
Twilight books and movies are each bad in their own ways.
A live-action version of Disney's Cinderella is coming out,
and it's giving me a powerful sense of deja vu.
I mean, there have been 13 movie adaptations of this story
just since 2000,
including Into the Woods just a couple of months ago.
I don't see what sets this new
Kenneth Branagh adaptation apart,
except more plot machinations with the wick stepmother.
Why is Disney turning yet another
animated classic into live action?
What, it's because Maleficent earned over 750 million?
I just think...
That's the reason?
I figured that was the reason why.
But I guess this new Cinderella
doesn't really have to reinvent the wheel,
because the 400-year-old storyline
is so durable and so universally appealing.
I mean, people just naturally respond
to the downtrodden protagonist
whose special qualities are finally recognized.
I can guarantee you they'll still be staging Cinderella
in outposts on Rigel 7 in the year 2395.
A story with that sort of timeless appeal is potent stuff.
I mean, seriously,
has anybody in our life time
come up with a tale that we can confidently predict
will still be in circulation four centuries from now?
I would say George Lucas.
I mean, the man has a lot to answer for,
but in the pre-Prequel era
he really tapped into something primal.
[Darth Vader] I am your father.
We remember in Reign of Fire
when the adults staged Star Wars for the kids??
I am your father.
That was the best scene in that post-apocalyptic dud.
Who else's work will endure?
Stan Lee, maybe?
Future generations will still wish
that they could be like the wallflower
who gains extraordinary superpowers,
and they'll probably think that 20th century people
were all so gullible and superstitious
that we really believed that radioactive arachnids
would actually have that affect.
I knew that wasn't how science works,
people from the distant future.
Revive my cyro-frozen head,
I will explain our era to you.
Who else stands the test of time?
Walt Disney, yeah.
John Lasseter, it's likely.
Dr. Suess, natch.
Miyamoto, of course!
JK Rowling, no.
They'll find the educational system elitist.
Michael Bay, are you kidding?
His stuff seems archaic now.
So, Disney's doing a live-action Cinderella this year,
a live-action Jungle Book and Beauty and the Beast
coming next year.
I mean what's next, a live-action Pirates of the Caribbean?
No, you're mistaken.
See, it's very sophisticated animatronics
just like the ride.
No, no, because I read it in Variety.
They're not real people.
I hate it when you go, Well...
and then you tell me I'm wrong
when I know that I'm right.
They're animatronic robots.
No, no, well, we'll agree to disagree.
(train whistle blows)
Huh, I guess I'm assuming that
the future peoples of the 24th century
won't have super short attention spans.
Maybe their touchstones will be, like,
Charlie bit my finger
or the cat who likes to jump into boxes.
What do you think is the most durable story of our time?
Let me know in the comments,
subscribe to the Wired channel,
and click on my videos over there
with the tiny, animatronic versions of me.
What? No, they're animatronic?
See, look how stiff and jerky their movements are.
What a thing to say to me.
You know, I think you are animatronic.
Yeah, I thought so.
A real human being couldn't be that heartless.
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